The long-running game show Jeopardy! is currently on hiatus following its conclusion a few weeks ago. However, it is quite impossible to stay without the show. Hence, the network has decided to air a series of reruns until the show returns with a new season. These are some of the best episodes from the legendary 38th season, in which viewers saw legends like Mattea Roach, Matt Amodio, and Amy Schneider take on the world of trivia like a storm.
In the upcoming encore episode of the show, returning champion Sri Kompella will square off against communications manager Kate Kohn and music educator Jeff Smith. This episode originally aired on November 5, 2021, and was the 40th game of the legendary 38th season.
Jeopardy! is one of the most popular game shows around the world owing to its engaging and offbeat format. The game show originally began in 1964 and continues to have a grasp on viewers for decades. The show is further elevated by its brilliant final round, which many have cited as the main reason for the show's constantly growing popularity. The innovative final round also allows viewers to participate from the comfort of their own homes, significantly increasing its appeal.
Viewers participate by guessing the correct answer to the final question ahead of the episode's airtime. Over the years, this has become a common practice for the fans of the show. However, this comes with its own set of challenges. To help things out, we have compiled all the relevant details from the upcoming episode of the show below.
August 9, 2022, Monday - Today's Final Jeopardy!
question is from the category "Toys"
The final question for the upcoming episode of the show on August 9, 2022, reads:
"Introduced in 1964, he fell out of favor in changing times & in 1970 was marketed as a “land adventurer.”
Ironically, this topic is no child's play. Broad and filled with rich history, this will be a tough one to crack, even for veteran trivia buffs.
The final round also poses an odd challenge, where the participants are supplied with the solution and they have to figure out the question. This can often be a very difficult twist.
The solution to the August 9, 2022, Final Jeopardy!
Solution: G.I. Joe.
The G.I. Joe Adventure set was first launched back in 1970 by Hasbro. The original lineup was a huge hit in the 1960s, owing to the anti-Vietnam sentiment of the time. The new line brought back the success of the action figures around the world, with 1972 recording the highest sales of all time.
The final round of Jeopardy! also puts participants in a tough spot. They can either play the round and risk their entire winnings for the day, or walk away and lose the chance to extend their streak. The final round has been the downfall for most veteran players of the game.
Jeopardy! contestants today - Tuesday, August 9, 2022
The three contestants for the upcoming episode of Jeopardy! are:
- Returning champion Sri Kompella
- Communications manager Kate Kohn
- Music educator Jeff Smith
Catch their encore episode only on your local stations on Tuesday. Stay tuned for more updates.