The upcoming episode of the American game show Jeopardy! will mark the return of Matt Mierswa, who has played brilliantly over the past two days, creating quite a buzz. He will face off against operations specialist Emmie Trammell and senior vice president of marketing assets, Stan Scoggins. Matt will look to extend his streak to another day in the upcoming round.
Jeopardy! is one of the most popular American game shows that dates back to the early 1960s. With 38 seasons under its belt, the show's popularity continues to grow owing to its engaging nature and offbeat format. The intriguing final round of the show also plays a big part in its soaring popularity that stretches across the globe.
The unusual final round has some unique challenges. Aside from that, viewers can participate from the comfort of their own homes. Viewers play the game by guessing the correct answer to the final question before the episode airs. But this is often complicated by the fact that the genres and topics vary significantly in each episode.
As not every viewer is a hardcore trivia buff, we have compiled the question, answer, and other relevant details from the upcoming episode below.
July 21, 2022, Thursday - Today's Final Jeopardy! question is from the category "Constellations"
The question reads:
"The brightest star of this constellation is Deneb Algedi, or "Kid's Tail."
Although this is undoubtedly a difficult topic, astronomy enthusiasts might find the current question easy.
The question is not the only challenging part of the final round. In this round, participants are provided with the question and they have to figure out the solution. This can often pose a lot of problems for the participants, even though it does not sound that hard.
Solution to the July 21, 2022, Final Jeopardy!
Solution: Capricornus.
The brightest star of Capricornus is Deneb Algedi, popularly known as the "kid's tail." The Capricornus constellation houses the Delta Capricorni multi-star system. Capricornus resembles a sea-goat, with Deneb Algedi forming the tail. Ptolemy described the constellations as:
"The stars in the horns of Capricorn have efficacy similar to that of Venus, and partly to that of Mars. The stars in the mouth are like Saturn, and partly like Venus: those in the feet and in the belly act in the same manner as Mars and Mercury: those in the tail are like Saturn and Jupiter."
The final round also presents the participants with a difficult choice. They can either participate in the final round and risk their entire earnings for the day, or walk away and lose the chance to extend their streak to another day. The final round has been the downfall of many great players, like Mattea Roach, Amy Schneider, and Ryan Long.
Jeopardy! contestants today - Thursday, July 21, 2022
The three contestants for the upcoming round are:
- Two-day champion Matt Mierswa
- Emmie Trammell, Operations specialist
- Stan Scoggins, Senior vice president of marketing assets
Catch Matt trying to extend his streak in the upcoming round of Jeopardy!.