The highly-rated American game show Jeopardy! is all set to return on June 20, 2022, with a fresh episode to mark the beginning of the week, and with it, Megan Wachspress will return for her fifth day in the game. The prolific game show has aired 38 seasons so far and has been one of the most beloved shows for ages, beginning in the early 1960s.
Jeopardy! has been wildly popular for its offbeat and engaging approach, based on some great content and rounds. The game show is typically played between three contestants and is heavily based on general knowledge, trivia skills, and the ability to perform under pressure. For the upcoming round, the three contestants are Megan Wachspress, Ketty Pan, and Tory Leviton.
The final round of the show is one of the coveted events for the loyal fans of Jeopardy!. In addition to its eccentric nature and complex dilemma, the final round allows the audience to participate in the round from the comfort of their homes.
But guessing the right answer to the final question can often be a daunting task. Hence, we have compiled the question, answer, and other details from the upcoming episode of the show below.
What is today’s Final Jeopardy! question? June 20, Monday
The final question for June 20, 2022, is:
"From the Greek for "alone," it was nixed by Parliament in 1649 after being deemed "unnecessary, burdensome, & dangerous."
The question is from the category "British History." This is certainly a complex topic as the nation has a rich history with multiple phases and periods.
The final round follows an unusual format where the solutions are given to the participants and they have to figure out the question. This may sound simple, but it makes it a lot more twisted.
Clue and solution to the June 20, 2022, Final Jeopardy!
The category for today's final question is "British History."
Clue: From the Greek for "alone," it was nixed by Parliament in 1649 after being deemed "unnecessary, burdensome, & dangerous."
Solution: Monarchy.
The British Monarchy was abolished in 1649. This happened after the execution of Charles Stuart, the king of England. After the resolution was passed, the Commons called themselves the Parliament of England.
The final round offers a tough choice to the contestants, where they can either choose to play it and risk all their earnings for the day or walk away and lose the chance to continue their streak. The final round has always been the most difficult ordeal in the game show. Most veteran players have lost their streak in the final round, including legendary players like Mattea Roach, Matt Amadio, and Amy Schneider.
Jeopardy! contestants today - June 20, 2022
The three contestants for today's round are Megan Wachspress, Ketty Pan, and Tory Leviton. Megan is an attorney from Berkeley, California, who is already on a four-day streak, stacking up $51,601, as of the previous episode. She will face Ketty Pan, the head of new product development from Henderson, Nevada, and Musician & Teacher from Englewood Tory Leviton.
Megan has been on quite a streak since the time she took down Eric Ahasic. Since then, Megan has played solid, if not exceptional. Catch her playing again in the upcoming episode of Jeopardy! on your local stations.