The epic game show Jeopardy! is all set for a new episode on June 21, 2022, and with it comes the anticipation of answering the new final question, something that the loyal fans of the show love guessing ahead of the episode's air time.
The upcoming episode will feature three contestants, featuring five-day champion Megan Wachspress, pre-school teacher Jenny Sholar, and physician Rob Kaplan.
Jeopardy! is one of American television's most popular game shows that relies on its quirky and offbeat nature to engage viewers, and it has been working quite well. The game show originally started in 1964 and has aired 38 seasons so far, making it one of the longest-running game shows in television history.
Apart from its offbeat format, the final round is another major attraction, which has been the reason behind the game show's soaring popularity. The last round allows viewers worldwide to participate from the comfort of their homes by guessing the correct answer before the episode airs.
However, figuring out every answer from multiple topics can often be daunting. So to make your job easier, we have summed it below. Scroll on to find out.
What is today's Final Jeopardy! question? June 21, Tuesday
The final question for June 21, 2022, is from the category "Geography Words." It reads:
"From Greek for “chief” & “sea”, this word originally referred to the Aegean, known for its many island groups."
While this is a topic of immense intrigue, it is also pretty tricky to guess, owing to its many possibilities. The final question follows an offbeat format, where the solution is provided to the players, and they have to figure out the question.
Clue and solution to the June 21, 2022, Final Jeopardy!
The category for the upcoming final round of Jeopardy! is "Geography Words."
Clue: From Greek for "chief" & "sea," this word originally referred to the Aegean, known for its many island groups.
Solution: Archipelago.
The word "Archipelago" originally stems from the Greek words "arkhi" ("chief") and "pélagos" ("sea"). It was used to describe the Aegean Sea, which has many islands. Over time, the word came to be associated with any group or chain of islands.
The final round also lets the participant choose whether they want to participate in it. By participating in the round, players risk losing their entire winning from the other round. They don't stand a chance to further their streak if they do not participate. The final round has also been the downfall for many great players, including the most recent entry, Ryan Long.
Jeopardy! contestants today - Tuesday, June 21, 2022
The three contestants for the upcoming round of the show are Jenny Sholar, Rob Kaplan, and Megan Wachspress. Megan Wachspress has played a slow and steady game building a streak of five days but raking up only $52,002. However, she is still going strong.
Jenny Sholar is a preschool teacher from Madison, Wisconsin, while Rob Kaplan is a teaching physician from Los Angeles, California. They will face Megan in hopes of breaking her streak in the next round of Jeopardy!.