Dragon Ball Z is loved by people all over the world. Being Akira Toriyama’s brain child, it is probably one of the most successful anime and manga series of all time.
Throughout the show and movies, there have been some ridiculously strong villains who were capable of dealing a lot of damage to the protagonists. This led to fans discussing the best and most powerful villains in Dragon Ball Z.
Note: The choice of characters on this list is subjective.
Five of the most powerful villains in Dragon Ball Z
5) Android 13
Despite being one of the weakest villains on this list, Android 13 is extremely strong and is able to keep up with Super Saiyan Goku, which is easier said than done.
His base form attack, S.S. Deadly Bomber, has the destructive ability to annihilate half of planet Earth. With a power level of 300,000,000, he is a strong villain in Dragon Ball Z.
4) Cell and Bojack
In Dragon ball Z, Cell was strong enough to keep both Super Vegeta and Super Trunks at bay. He even feigned concern when Trunks reached Super Saiyan stage 3.
As proved later on, the malevolent android was capable of a considerably high power up. It didn't there, as Cell went on to achieve his ultimate form and harnessed the strength to destroy the entire solar system.

Bojack had the same power level as Perfect Cell in Dragon Ball Z. His unbridled rage severely incapacitated the Z warriors. In fact, he absolutely obliterated Super Saiyan Vegeta, which is a testament to this villain's power.
3) Broly
Broly in Dragon Ball Z is ubiquitously loved by the entire fanbase. His popularity only continued to soar in Dragon Ball Super. That being said, he isn’t as strong as Buu or Janemba.
Dragon Ball Z fans would place his power and skill levels close to that of Perfect Cell. Born with astronomical power levels, Broly was heralded as the Legendary Super Saiyan.
The macabre warrior can be a very difficult opponent to deal with as his strength increases with each battle.
2) Janemba
Janemba is a great villain from Dragon Ball Z movies. Born in the depths of hell, he is the physical embodiment of negativity. Compared to villains in Dragon Ball Z, his power level is close to that of fat Buu.
Along with his indomitable strength, Janemba is able to change realms and possesses the ability to manipulate time and space.
1) Majin Buu
Majin Buu is probably one of the strongest villains in Dragon Ball Z. His absorption abilities allowed him to beat the likes of Gotenks and Ultimate Gohan. He was considered one of the biggest threats to planet Earth. In fact, this pink monster managed to blow it up.
Imbued with seemingly limitless strength and lust for battle, it took the entire planet's energy to defeat this villain.