Released in 2001, Studio Ghibili's Spirited Away is all set for a live adaptation. In a recent press conference held on November 9th, writer and director John Caird, along with supporting director Maoko Imai, and several cast members sat down to discuss the project.
The live adaptation will debut at the Imperial Theater in Tokyo, Japan, between February and March 2022.
It's been over two decades since Spirited Away made its entry onto the big screens and in people's hearts as well. According to various reports, this recent announcement of a live adaptation comes after Miyazaki and Craid's first meeting. Craid also goes on to state that Miyazaki believes that Spirited Away is,
"So widely beloved that it has become everyone's piece, not just his".
Hayao Miyazak's Spirited Away casts a spell once again
According to various reports, Miyazaki wishes the cast and crew of this production to have fun throughout the entire process.
Whisked away into an imaginary world filled with colorful, vibrant and unique creatures, Hayao Miyazaki has never let his audience down. His narratives never fail to take viewers on an adventure. Praises of Studio Ghibli's Spirited Away still flood social media to this very day.
The cast and crew are all geared up to do justice and bring this beautiful tale to life. Both Kanna Hashimoto and Mone Kamishiraishi will play Chihiro Ogino in the live adaptation. When asked to speak on the role, Hashimoto had this to say:
“I can relate myself with Chihiro who gets lost in the world of gods because this will be my theatre debut and it will be my new adventure to the theatre world. I am hoping to live Chihiro instead of acting like her,"
Whereas Mone Kamishari has a different sentiment to share when asked about her thoughts. She goes on express,
"I am going to convert the pressure I am feeling into energy. I hope I can be as brave as Chihiro,"
The infamous No Face is double-cast by the talented Tomohiko Tsujimoto and Koharu Sugawara.
Spirited Away is not the first Studio Ghibli production to get a live adaptation. According to a media report, in 2013, London's New Diorama Theater hosted a theatrical adaptation of Princess Mononoke.