Lifetime's upcoming thriller movie, Trapped in the Cabin, is all set to premiere on the channel on Sunday, August 13, 2023. The film centers around a writer who's been going through a creative crisis. She's then sent to a secluded cabin by her editor in order to gain some inspiration, but her life soon turns into a nightmare after a series of shocking events. Check out Lifetime's official synopsis of the movie:
''Popular romance novelist, Rebecca Collins, is running out of inspiration and concentration to finish her current book. Her editor decides to send her to a cozy cabin in the country, far away from any nosy fans and distractions. After a brief issue with the hot water, she builds a charming romance with the local handyman, Nathan.''
The description further states,
''Things get steamy fast, but soon he’s missing, the doors have been left ajar, and someone’s been reading her unfinished draft. Rebecca is left uneasy as she notices more items out of place and the unshakeable feeling that she’s being watched.''
The movie stars Tiffany Smith in the lead role along with various others essaying key supporting characters. It is helmed by Derek Sulek and written by Eric Durham and Sulek.
Trapped in the Cabin cast list: Tiffany Smith and others to feature in new Lifetime thriller film
1) Tiffany Smith as Rebecca Collins
Tiffany Smith stars in the lead role as Rebecca Collins in Lifetime's Trapped in the Cabin. Rebecca is a writer who's struggling to come up with ideas to finish her new novel and is sent to an isolated cabin by her editor to find some inspiration and focus. Once there, she meets a charming young man and starts a romantic relationship with him, which changes her life forever.
Rebecca is the protagonist of the story and it'll be interesting to see how her character would be explored in the film. Tiffany Smith's other notable film acting credits include House of Demons, Christmas Harmony, and Harry & Meghan: Becoming Royal, among many more.
2) Travis Burns as Nathan Andrews
Travis Burns essays the character of Nathan Andrews in the new Lifetime thriller movie. Nathan is an enigmatic young man whom Rebecca meets after she moves to a secluded cabin. The two begin a romantic relationship, but things take a shocking turn after Nathan goes missing.
Travis Burns is a noted actor who's appeared in quite a few movies and TV shows like Dreamcatcher, The Christmas Listing, and The Wrong Boy Next Door, to name a few.
2) David James Lewis as Jason
David James Lewis portrays the character of Jason in Trapped in the Cabin. More details pertaining to his role are not yet revealed, but he's expected to play a significant part in the story.
In addition to Trapped in the Cabin, David James Lewis is known for his appearances in Brazen, Morning Show Mysteries: Murder Ever After, Resident Alien, The Neighbor in the Window, and many more.
Apart from the aforementioned actors, the movie also features numerous others in key supporting/minor roles. These include:
- Michael Perl
- Ann Hagemann
- India McGee
Don't miss Trapped in the Cabin on Lifetime on Sunday, August 13, 2023.