Turning Red is a lively and joyful animated movie about Mei Lee, a 13-year-old girl. She may appear to be your conventional teenager, but there's something unusual about her: when she feels any emotion too strongly, she transforms into a giant red panda!
Domee Shi, who won an Academy Award for her short film Bao, is directing the movie, which features a star-studded cast including Sandra Oh from Killing Eve. But fans have raised their voices of disapproval over their concerns regarding this upcoming Pixar project. Let's take a look at why.
The Internet slams Turning Red's animation quality
In a world where clarity is equal to quality, the point that makes animated movies the most riveting is their production designs and quality of animation.
Despite bagging numerous Academy Award nominations for movies like Toy Story, Coco, Soul, Luca, and many more, a point of concern that has always raised concern is the degrading animation techniques of Disney Pixar pieces.
As soon as the trailer for Turning Red was released, fans were quick to notice how lazy its animation looked with little to no attention to detail. Fans took to Twitter to let their voices be known through their unanimous tweets.
With smaller studios coming up with way better variations in animation, fans are visibly disappointed with the way a multi-millionaire production house has done irreparable damage to the amazing story of an unusual girl finding her way into the world.
While Twitter is ablaze with memes galore, people are genuinely concerned with the way modern studios have destroyed versions of original cartoons with their modernized mechanisms. And Turning Red bears the brunt of it all.
Why is everyone disappointed with Turning Red's release on Disney+?
Some are wondering if Chapek and his crew are undermining Pixar by sending their third Pixar film in a row to Disney+, following Soul and Luca. The movie was supposed to come out on March 11 in theaters.
The third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, brought about by the Omicron variety, Disney claimed, thwarted those objectives. Many people are wondering if Pixar artists have been upset over the announcement made on January 7 regarding COVID protocol.
That is not the case, according to a number of individuals close to Pixar. It's more accurate to call it disappointment than outrage. They said:
“Everyone is really bummed, but most of us get it. Families just aren’t going to the movies.”
Turning Red will premiere on Disney Plus on Friday, March 11, 2022.