Well, there is never a shortage of interesting stories and events when it comes to the streaming world. Ranging from controversies to lies to absolute brutal roasts, streamers have been involved in a range of wacky situations. Sometimes however, these situations end up affecting the streamer’s career in an adverse fashion.
While we have seen quite a few streamers accused of lying in the past, this might just be the most awkward story that you hear today. The Coronavirus pandemic has transformed life around the world to a great extent. However, a particular Twitch streamer was recently caught lying about the deadly virus in order to gain donations.
Twitch Streamer caught lying about Corona virus to rack up donations, gets exposed
Hazord is a notable Twitch streamer who plays games such as World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV Online. However, most of his streams recently have been of the VRChat genre. Towards the end of September, the streamer shocked his fans by telling them something rather concerning.
He claimed that he has been suffering from the Coronavirus, and that people in his family had already succumbed to it. Needless to say, this thoroughly concerned his fans, who began to send a high number of donations to help him get through.
People ended up cheering him up, and supported him as he ‘recovered’. However, on 28th September Hazord posted the following on Twitter. As you can see, he announced that he had been ‘lying’ about too many things, is taking a month long break from streaming, and is seeking a therapist.
He went on to explain the entire situation via comments, and said that he had been lying about contracting the Coronavirus. He further told his fans that he has begun returning the plethora of donations that he had received.

According to Hazord, he was having issues with loneliness, and wants to set things right for the future. As you can see below, he went on to explain that he has already been in contact with a therapist, and will give everything to get better, even if it takes longer than a month.

Needless to say, his fans were shocked, although most of them seemed to understand and sympathized with his struggles. On the other hand, fellow Twitch streamer MrDummy was rather critical of Hazord, even though he hoped for him to get better.