The internet feels "Coco," the newest diss track released by Felix "PewDiePie" Kjellberg, is too offensive. In the track, the YouTuber disses Cocomelon and American rapper Daniel "6ix9ine" Hernandez.
While the track is fine, the internet feels that getting children to perform and allegedly swear in the song isn't appropriate. This is why the community feels that PewDiePie should be canceled.
Twitter wants to cancel PewDiePie as "Coco" is too offensive
While some on the internet feel PewDiePie should be canceled, there's an even greater group that understands the tone in which the video was made.
Some Twitter users believe that the Swede made kids swear in the video, while others provided evidence that said that the children didn't cuss in the video.

Users on the internet called out PewDiePie for swearing in front of children and also for being racist. Allegations of being a racist have been levied against PewDiePie earlier as well.
However, users who enjoyed the track and felt PewDiePie wasn't wrong and made memes on the situation.
The internet believes that the people who try canceling PewDiePie don't actually know who the individual is and are out of the loop. Users have also pointed out the hypocrisy of those trying to cancel the uber-popular streamer.
Some people are supporting PewDiePie as he's called out 6ix9ine in his disstrack.
The internet also pointed out that Coco was a joke and was to be taken with a pinch of salt.
With that being said, the concern behind the track is understood. Swearing and the usage of profanity shouldn't be encouraged in front of children. And videos like these may leave a destructive impact on children if they end up watching it.
However, as the internet pointed out on Twitter, he never swore in front of children, nor did he make them swear.