A few weeks ago, Indian Actor Akshay Kumar, in collaboration with nCore Games, had announced an online multiplayer game called FAU-G. The announcement had been met with a mixed response, with quite a few people alleging that the game is a ‘copy’ of PUBG Mobile.
Today, on the day of the auspicious Indian festival ‘Dusshera’, an official teaser of FAU-G was released. The teaser itself gives little idea of the kind of gameplay or other in-game features, but sheds light on the overall concept.
FAU-G features various nods to the Indian Army, and also has a ‘Gulwan Valley’ map. The region has recently been in the news because of an ongoing conflict between India and China. Regardless, users have taken to Twitter to give their reaction to the teaser.
Twitter reacts as FAU-G's gameplay teaser drops online
As you can see below, the trailer is more of a concept-related teaser of what to expect from the game. It features a group on Indian army men involved in an intense skirmish with their Chinese counterparts.
Allegations of FAU-G being a straight copy of PUBG Mobile haven’t yet been shaken off, with some users pointing it out again.
Others appeared to be quite angry with Akshay Kumar for FAU-G, and hoped that the game would not do well.
Of course, quite a few people thought that the initiative is commendable, although most people do not seem to agree!
Apart from allegations of being a poor game with ‘copied’ features, people also questioned the actor, and questioned his loyalty to the country.
Overall, the teaser itself has not given much information about the game. While most people appeared more concerned about the aspects mentioned above, a few thought that the trailer did not promise much. FAU-G is not a Battle Royale game, and some gamers think that the craze will die out once the storyline is completed by players.
Whether that proves to be true is something which should soon be revealed. FAU-G is scheduled to release on 28th October, which is merely a few days away.