HBO Max's Two Sides of the Abyss will release on May 8, 2023, with all six episodes airing at once. Created and written by Kristin Derfler, the thriller follows Wuppertal police officer Luise Berg as she encounters her daughter’s alleged killer, Dennis Opitz, who was released early from prison after serving seven years.
As more murders happen, Luise suspects Dennis but is met with disbelief from others. As the story unfolds, the boundaries of guilt and innocence, perpetrators and victims, law and justice are continuously blurred. The series is directed by Anno Saul (Charité) with Derfler serving as a creative producer.
WarnerMedia and RTL Deutschland are joining forces for the first time to co-produce the new six-part crime series. RTL Deutschland has obtained first-run rights to the series for Germany, where it will be available on the newly renamed RTL Plus streaming platform. It will also be available on free TV afterwards.
Meanwhile, Warner TV Series will air the series on pay TV in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. WarnerMedia’s streaming platform, HBO Max, will launch the series as a Max Original in 61 territories in the US, Latin America, and Europe, while WarnerMedia International Television Distribution will handle international distribution outside of these territories.
Two Sides of the Abyss tells the story of a Police officer who faces a catastrophe after her daughter's murderer is released early from prison
The official synopsis, courtesy of IMDb, reads -
"Police officer, Luise Berg of Wuppertal, Germany heads for an unavoidable catastrophe after her daughter's murderer is released early from prison."
Two Sides of the Abyss is a psychological thriller series that explores the boundaries of guilt and innocence, perpetrators and victims, law and justice, in a complex game of confusion.
The series is set in the German city of Wuppertal and follows Luise Berg, a police officer who is heading for an inevitable catastrophe after her daughter's murderer is released early from prison.
Production on Two Sides of the Abyss started in February 2022 and shooting continued until April in Cologne and Wuppertal in Germany, and Belgium.
The show features a strong cast that includes Anne Ratte-Polle (Dark), Lea van Acken (Sløborn), and newcomer Anton Dreger. Renato Schuch (Dogs of Berlin), Dirk Martens, Ann-Kathrin Kramer, Senita Huskić, Claudia Eisinger, and Maximilian Brauer also star in the series.
Verena Monssen and Bernd von Fehrn will serve as executive producers for Warner Bros. ITVP Deutschland, while Nico Grein will be in charge for RTL Plus. Hannes Heyelmann and Anke Greifeneder will executive produce for Warner TV.
The series will be launched on three different platforms simultaneously. It will premiere on May 8, 2023, on the RTL Group platform, where all six episodes of the series will be available at once.
It will also run linearly on pay-TV on Warner TV, and HBO Max will stream the series in double episodes every Monday. In addition, Two Sides of the Abyss is also scheduled to run on free TV on VOX in May, although an exact date has yet to be announced.
Two Sides of the Abyss will start airing on May 8, 2023, on HBO Max.