The fifth season of the crime drama series, Unforgotten, is expected to drop on PBS on Sunday, September 3, 2023. The show tells the story of a woman who's believed to be dead by her in-laws. But things change when she suddenly wakes up from a coma in a motel. Check out the official synopsis of the upcoming fifth season, as per PBS:
''Newcomer DCI Jessica James joins DI Sunny Khan to investigate the discovery of human remains in a newly renovated antique home in West London. The ghost of much-loved former colleague Cassie Stuart looms large over the team and Jess knows there will be big shoes for her to fill.''
Unforgotten season 5 features Sinéad Keenan in the lead role, with many others essaying major supporting characters. Noted screenwriter Chris Lang is the director of the series.
Unforgotten season 5 cast list: Sinéad Keenan and others to star in British crime drama series
1) Sinéad Keenan as Jessica James
Sinéad Keenan plays the lead role of Jessica 'Jessie' James in Unforgotten season 5. Jessie is the new DCI who's replacing Cassie Stewart. She will investigate a new case, but she also has a serious personal issue that she needs to sort out.
Keenan looks quite charming and impressive in the show's trailer, and viewers can expect her to deliver a powerful performance in the new season. Her other notable film and TV acting credits include Derry Girls, Silent Witness, Being Human, and many more.
2) Sanjeev Bhaskar as Sunny Khan
Sanjeev Bhaskar stars as Sunny Khan in the crime drama series. Sunny is another DI who was Cassie's right-hand man. He'll now join Jessie, and together, the two will set out to investigate several new murder cases. It'll be interesting to see how their equation would be explored in the upcoming season.
Sanjeev looks quite impressive based on the trailer, and fans can look forward to him delivering a scintillating performance in the show. Viewers might recognize him from Sandylands, Horrible Histories: The Movie - Rotten Romans, Porters, and various other films and TV series.
3) Rhys Yates as Jay
Rhys Yates stars as Jay in Unforgotten. Jay is a suspect in a murder case and will be questioned by Sunny and Jessie. He seems to have had some traumas in the past and leads a messy life with his girlfriend in a dilapidated apartment. It'll be interesting to see how his character evolves over the course of the third season.
Rhys Yates has also been a part of other films and TV shows like Britannia, Common People, Followers, and Guy Ritchie's The Covenant, among many more.
Apart from Sinéad Keenan, Sanjeev Bhaskar, and Rhys Yates, the series also stars various other actors portraying important supporting characters like:
- Ian McElhinney as Lord Tony Hume
- Max Rinehart as Karol Wojski
- Carolina Main as DS Fran Lingley
- Martina Laird as Ebele Falade
- Andrew Lancel as Steve James
- Jordan Long as DS Murray Boulting
- Mark Frost as Dave Adams
- Georgia Mackenzie as Dr. Leanne Balcombe
- Pippa Nixon as DC Karen Willets
Viewers in the US can watch Unforgotten season 5 on PBS on Sunday, September 3, 2023.