The third season of the critically acclaimed British crime drama show, Van der Valk, is all set to be released in the US on PBS on Sunday, September 3, 2023. The series focuses on the life of a passionate detective who delves deep into the various crimes plaguing the city of Amsterdam. Here's the official synopsis of the show, as per PBS:
''Amsterdam—city of bikes, boats, and bodies. At least, that’s the way steely-eyed cop Piet Van der Valk sees his murder-infested beat. The Dutch detective and his team face high-profile cases in this fast-paced police procedural that explores Amsterdam’s cultural contrasts. Marc Warren (Beecham House, The Good Wife) stars as the title character in Van der Valk, based on author Nicolas Freeling’s legendary crime thrillers.''
Van der Valk stars Marc Warren in the lead role, along with numerous others playing important supporting characters. The series is helmed by noted author Nicolas Freeling.
Van der Valk season 3 cast list: Who stars in the British crime drama series?
1) Marc Warren as Van der Valk
Marc Warren stars in the lead role of the protagonist in Van der Valk. Warren is a charismatic and smart detective who's passionate about solving crimes. The crux of the story focuses on Warren trying to solve various cases in the beautiful but mysterious city of Amsterdam.
Warren has received immense critical acclaim for his performance in the show and is expected to continue to deliver another impressive performance in the third season. His other memorable acting credits include Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, Band of Brothers, and Mad Dogs, among many more.
2) Maimie McCoy as Lucienne Hassell
Maimie McCoy essays the character of Lucienne Hassell in the British crime drama series. She's Van's most trusted assistant who helps solve some of the most complicated cases. Maimie perfectly embodies her character's core traits and has received rave reviews for her performance in the show.
Viewers might recognize Maimie McCoy from The Musketeers, Personal Affairs, All Creatures Great and Small, and many other films and TV shows.
3) Emma Fielding as Julia Dahlman
Emma Fielding dons the role of Julia Dahlman in the drama. Julia is Van's boss, with whom he shares a complicated equation. She's extremely straightforward and has a strong sense of morality and ethics.
Emma Fielding has been quite brilliant throughout the previous two seasons, and it'll be interesting to see how her character would be explored in the new season. Fielding has previously appeared in Les Misérables, Unforgotten, Silent Witness, and many more.
Apart from the actors mentioned above, the show also features various others playing crucial supporting roles, including:
- Darrell D’Silva as Hendrik Davie
- Azan Ahmed as Sergeant Eddie Suleman
- Django Chan-Reeves as Sergeant Citra Li
- Loes Haverkort as Lena Linderman
- Mike Libanon as Cliff Palache
Based on the preview, viewers can expect another riveting and compelling season full of thrilling and dramatic moments similar to the first two seasons. Marc Warren continues to impress with his raw charisma and screen presence in the preview.
Don't forget to watch the third season of Van der Valk on PBS on Sunday, September 3, 2023.