Vanderpump Rules, which started as a spin-off of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, has now become a franchise owing to its popularity. The show, which premiered in January 2013, is now more than a decade old and even has spin-offs to its name, like Vanderpump Rules After Show and Vanderpump Rules: Jax and Brittany Take Kentucky.
Season 11 of the show premiered on January 30, 2024, and marked the first appearance of Tom Sandoval after his scandals in the previous seasons. Episode 2 of season 11 saw Tom figuring out a place to host his birthday party, which he initially planned on throwing at his and girlfriend Ariana's house, but stepped back after she refused it.
The trailer for the upcoming episode has many takeaways that will determine how most of the next episode will unfold. Apart from Tom Sandoval's birthday party, it saw many key events such as Scheana Shay's revival of her music career.
Key takeaways from the trailer of episode 3 of Vanderpump Rules season 11
1) The ladies support James in his argument with Tom Sandoval
The last episode saw things heating up between Tom and James, when the latter went to Tom's birthday party expecting an apology for his affair with Rachel. So when James showed up at Tom's party, he pulled him aside to tell him he was waiting for the text he never received. Tom, in turn, brought up James' decade-old shenanigans with Kristan Doute, a move that threw James off.
The trailer for the new episode shows how, after storming off of Sandoval's party, James Kennedy rushed right to the ladies and vented about Tom bringing up Kristen Doute. This was met with criticism from them as well, with Ariana saying,
"He literally has no one around him that gives him honest feedback."
2) Scheana, Ariana, and Katie perform at the EMO NITE
After the last episode of Vanderpump Rules saw Scheana Shay's efforts to reinvigorate her music career, this episode finally saw her and the girls performing at an EMO NITE event, packed with music enthusiasts.
However, it only seemed that way, as when their names were announced by TJ, the DJ, all they had to do was press play on an already recorded playlist. James was seen saying,
"I would be caught dead before I press play on a pre-recorded set."
Scheana then proceeded to perform her new single Good as Gold, as the moshpit got even more intense. She said,
"I truly never wanted to be like a pop star. I wanted to go more of a Gwen Stefani, Fergie route, have all of my guys in the band with me, and I'm actually living out my dreams right now, its so fun."
3) Tom Schwartz is torn between Tom Sandoval and the rest of the crew
While at Tom's party on Vanderpump Rules, Schwartz also disapproved of Tom's use of a decade-old Kristen Doute to hurt James. He says,
"Just saying for future conversations, that's not going to be the last time someone comes at you. And I feel like if you get really upset every time, it's going to have a really negative impact on your life."
While Tom initially agreed to party with Tom, he decided to go support his friend Scheana as she performed at the EMO NITE event. When he reached there though, he found out that he had missed her set.
4) Tom Sandoval ends his birthday on a grateful note
The end of the trailer saw Tom Sandoval being presented with a cake by Billie Lee. He blew the candles, as the people at his party cheered him.
Tom said,
"I can't begin to express how truly grateful I am for all the people that have stuck around."
He continued,
"These people have put up with so much hate because of things that I did."
Now, it is for viewers to see what Schwartz's master plan is, to reunite Tom with the rest of the group as mentioned in the official description of episode 3.
New episodes of Vanderpump Rules season 11 drop every Tuesday at 8 pm ET, on Bravo.