Vikings: Valhalla, the much-awaited spin-off of the popular series Vikings, has made its arrival on February 25, 2022, exclusively on Netflix. Created by Jeb Stuart, the action-adventure historic series chronicles the story of Leif Eriksson, the legendary explorer portrayed by Sam Corlett, his sister Freydis Eriksdotter, played by Frida Gustavsson, and Nordic prince Harald Sigurdsson, portrayed by Leo Suter.
Since its arrival, there has been a lot of buzz among viewers for its grand scale, incredible cinematography, outstanding direction, noteworthy acting, and intriguing music. Although the series is essentially a sequel to the original series Vikings, it has successfully presented itself as a distinctively new series. The creator said in an interview,
“We had no desire to do Season 7 of Michael [Hirst]’s show....I loved everything they did. But I needed to find a place to tell a different story.” (Via Den of Geek)
The review of Vikings: Valhalla
Let's dig deep and see how the recently released Netflix series has turned out.
A nuanced and deft tale presented in a grand manner
From the very beginning of the series, the audience will witness everything on a grand scale. Whether it is the set, whether it is the weapons, costumes, or even the dialog exchanges between the characters. The entire series is bound to give the audience a truly epic feel. The complexity of the storyline with the constant battle between the members of two different religious faiths, Pagans and Christians, makes it even more interesting and compelling.
When it comes to the war to rule the kingdom, the battles are as epic as expected and the way the battle scenes have been directed will surely make a mark in viewers' minds. The minute details regarding war politics are also quite fascinating and take the Vikings saga to the next level.
Jaw-dropping cinematography and arresting music
Aside from the enthralling storyline, it is safe to say that Vikings: Valhalla is all set to impress the audience with its stunning cinematography and absorbing music. Peter Robertson, the cinematographer of this epic historic series on Netflix, has done an incredible job in portraying the grand scale of the series. The battle scenes and the sea scenes are especially exceptional.
Two-time Emmy Award-winning composer Trevor Morris has given the music for the season of this historic series. Without a shred of a doubt, it has put a lot of positive impact on the way the series has turned out. The grand style of music gives the series the perfect edge and thrill, making it even more consuming for viewers.
Outstanding performance by the cast members
The ensemble cast of the series entails Sam Corlett as Leif Eriksson, Frida Gustavsson as Freydis Eriksdotter, Leo Suter as Harald Sigurdsson, Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson as Olaf Haraldsson, Bradley Freegard as King Canute, Laura Berlin as Emma of Normandy, Caroline Henderson as Jarl Estrid Haakon, Asbjørn Krogh Nissen as Jarl Kåre, and several others.
All the cast members with their multi-dimensional characters have done a phenomenal job in the series. They are interesting, believable, and most importantly, captivating.
The portrayal of the female characters in the series is strong, bold, and alluring. The characters are equally backed by praiseworthy acting, especially by Frida Gustavsson, Laura Berlin, and Caroline Henderson. Although season 1 of Vikings: Valhalla witnessed the unfortunate demise of Caroline Henderson's character, viewers will be intrigued to see what the other two female characters bring in the future.
Don't forget to watch Vikings: Valhalla, an arresting historic series, streaming on Netflix from February 25, 2022.