Season 2 of Below Deck Down Under released episodes 6 and 7 on the same day, Monday, August 7, 2023. In this episode, the cast members first went out for drinks, and when they returned, a few of them were very drunk.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers of recent episodes and talks about an attempt at sexual assault.
While the cast members were out, Aesha Scott noticed Luke getting close to Margot often. When the cast members returned to the boat, Aesha Scott took Margot to her room so she could sleep. After some time, the light went out, and Luke was seen entering Margot's room without clothes and only wearing a towel.
Luke climbed into Margot's bed after this, but the show's producers asked him to leave the minute he did so. After the Bravo crew asked Luke to leave the room, he got angry and closed the door while Margot was still inside. Bravo crew members forcefully opened the door and escorted Luke from the room.
In the following moments, Luke locked the doors of his room. Following this incident, fans have been sharing their reactions on social media.
Luke's actions on Below Deck Down Under season 2: fans' reactions
According to Luke, he did nothing to Margot. The incident was reported to the captain by Below Deck Down Under cast member Ayesha, resulting in Luke being fired from the show. Ayesha revealed the following in a personal confession:
“Being in her bed naked, and she's got no idea, it actually makes my skin crawl.”
Following the release of episodes 6 and 7 of Below Deck Down Under season 2, fans have been reacting constantly. Some of the reactions from fans are as follows:

In response to the incident, Margot responded as follows
As soon as Margot woke up, Ayesha told her what had happened that night, to which Margot replied:
"I woke up feeling weird, I knew that whatever, like happened wasn't okay."
Then, Margot Sisson expressed her regret over getting "so drunk." Tzarina mentioned the following:
"Women should be able to be black out drunk if they want to. We should be able to stand in a room naked and not have anyone do anything to us.”
Margot Sisson also thanked Ayesha Scott and asked her to give her some time because she wanted to cry in the bathroom. Margot shared the following during her confession:
"I feel like disappointed in myself, embarrassed, sad, I'm shocked and I'm still processing it. But I honestly just like, I just feel so loved, it's a lot of different emotions at once.”
Margot Sisson also spoke with her mother and sister to inform them of everything that had happened. Additionally, Margot Sisson expressed how "gross-out" and "stupid" she feels. After this, the Below Deck Down Under season 2 captain Jason Chambers called out every cast member of the show and shared everything that had happened, including:
"Our cabin is our safety zone. That door is our boundary. That door is not to be opened unless it's consensual.”
Fans can watch the latest episode of Below Deck Down Under season 2 on Bravo every Monday.