Trinity School, a posh private school in New York, caught the attention of the internet recently after the school administrator's political "agenda" story came out. Jennifer "Ginn" Norris, the Director of Student Activities at Trinity School, admitted to talking about her leftist views in the classroom.
In one part of the video clip, Norris said:
"I don’t hide how I feel, but I can’t pretend I’m [not] promoting an agenda even though I clearly am with all the stuff I’m doing."
Norris' confessions and complaints about Republicans and her dislike for "white boys" were secretly recorded by Project Veritas, an American far-right activist group founded in 2010. This media outlet is known for undercover operations that involve secret recordings to discredit mainstream media and liberal groups.
In the video, Norris confessed that she and other educators at Trinity School try to sneak their political beliefs in a subtle manner.
"There’s always groups of teachers who want to do these [activist] things but the administration just wouldn’t let us. So, we’ve been just sneaking things in [through] the cracks."
Trinity School, established in 1709, is located on the Upper West Side of New York City and is known for providing world-class education. It is also famous for its rigorous academics and excellent programs in athletics, arts, peer leadership, and global travel.
Trinity School administrator says she would never let a Republican voice on campus
Part of Norris' role and responsibilities at Trinity School is to get guest speakers to address the students. In the video clip, she stresses how she would never let a Republican voice on campus. She maintains that Trinity School is "definitely a school where conservatives would not feel comfortable."
Norris added:
"I’m in charge as far as they [the administration] are concerned. So, if they want to do that [bring Republican speakers], then somebody else has to do it. Because — not on my watch, I guess."
There are also clips of her expressing her views of white male students, who she thinks feel entitled to have their opinions heard.
"Unfortunately, it’s the white boys who feel very entitled to express their opposite opinions and just push back. There’s a huge contingent of them that are just horrible. And you’re like, ‘Are you always going to be horrible, or are you just going to be horrible right now?’ Don’t know."
She then goes onto say:
"I don’t know. I think they need to go. I think they’re really awful people. That’s kind of what I’m afraid of with my white students that are rich. I’m like — do you ever have to deal with this? They’re so protected by capitalism. It makes me sad."
While the video clip has certainly caused quite a stir, it is unclear where it was filmed. However, one thing that's clear is the date, June 12, 2022.
Meanwhile, the reason for Norris' confession is unclear. However, Project Veritas is known for secretly filming people, and it seems like Norris might have been called to the place under the guise of a date.