Scientists have succeeded in growing a human embryo outside of the womb with the help of stem cells. The complete models of entities were made without sperm and eggs and could open up great horizons in medical fields such as fertility, pharmaceutical testing, and transplants.
The research team responsible for the successful creation of human embryo models was led by Professor Jacob Hannah from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. The other members of the group are Dr. Noa Novershtern, Dr. Vladyslav Bondarenko, Dr. Bernardo Oldak, and Emilie Wildschutz.
As per The Independent, these models can make commercial pregnancy test results come back positive with the hormones present in the organism.
Some netizens are skeptical about the scientific development of complete human embryo, while others support the new age.
Israeli scientists successfully create a model human embryo
Scientists from the Israel have developed a functioning human embryo model without eggs, sperm, or a womb. The successful experiment took place in Weizmann Institute of Science, with a research team led by Professor Jacob Hannah.
According to BBC, the embryos are tiny balls of tissues created from combining multiple stem cells. These cells then take up a 3D organization structure and mimic the actual features of a human embryo that is about one to two weeks old.
Jacob explained in their Nature paper:
"This is the first embryo model that has structural compartment organisation and morphological similarity to a human embryo at day 14."
After two weeks, the collection of stem cells are about half a milimeter wide.
Netizens are reacting to the news of this scitentific advancement. Some think the new embryos could be the start of a new apocolypse while others are being cautious. Many people think the scientists are wrong for "trying to play god."
Meanwhile, several people are also welcoming the new era of science and are excited about new updates in the science field.
Different reasons for developing human embryos
The reason for creating embryos without eggs, sperm, and womb is to get solutions for early pregnancy complications and miscarriages.
Jacob Hannah's team wanted to concentrate on the first week of pregnancy as that term holds the most mystery, as per The Guardian.
Jacob added:
"That’s also when many birth defects originate, even though they tend to be discovered much later. Our models can be used to reveal the biochemical and mechanical signals that ensure proper development at this early stage, and the ways in which that development can go wrong.”
Another alternative is to build these entities from skin cell of ill patients. These models can help grow organs which would then be used as transplants for the patients.
Jacob described the possibility of using the patient's cells and their rights to help themselves, saying:
"Do they have the right to give their own skin cells to make an embryo model and make cells that will save their lives or solve their medical need? That is the scenario that should be considered."
The models can also be used to study the impact of modern medicine on human embryos as pregnant women are excluded from clinical trials.
The stem lab embryo models can help shed light on the side effects of even the most common ailment medicines with pregnant women.