Actress Mia Goth has come under fire for her allegedly aggressive behavior on a movie set. On Friday, January 12, the actress was sued by a background actor named James Hunter for allegedly kicking him in the head with her boot and later mocking him. The alleged incident occurred back in April of last year, during the filming of the final installment of Ti West's X trilogy, MaXXXine.
The lawsuit accused Goth of battery and even named her alongside A24 Studios and director Ti West in a wrongful termination accusation. Netizens were divided when it came to the incident, as many of Mia's die-hard fans continued to support the actress while a plethora of others called out the fans for supporting the actress. One X user commented:
Mia Goth's fans take on the rest of the internet
The alleged battery incident involving Mia Goth seems to have sparked a division among netizens. Mia's hardcore fanbase came to her defense and simply joked about her "method acting." On the other hand, others condemned Mia's supporters and believed the extra. People claimed that the actress should be held responsible for her actions. Here are a few X reactions to the news:
Mia Goth allegedly "taunted, mocked and belittled" the background actor
While fans of Ti West's X and Pearl are eagerly waiting for MaXXXine, the director's third and final film in the horror trilogy produced by A24 studios, Mia Goth, the lead is getting sued. James Hunter, who worked as an extra on the set of MaXXXine, filed a battery and wrongful termination lawsuit against Goth, Ti West, and A24 on Friday, January 12.
According to Variety magazine, James claimed that Goth kicked him in the head during the filming of a scene back in April. James was hired by the MaXXXine team for three days to portray the role of "Dead Parishioner." For his scene, he had to lay on the ground while covered in fake blood. In the lawsuit, James claimed that he endured "ants and mosquitoes" while lying down for hours.
The incident took place on the very first night of the filming of the scene. Mia Goth, who played Maxine, had to simply run past the man, at one point step over the man and just look down at him once, and keep running. During the fourth take, Goth's feet allegedly came pretty close to James' face as she almost stepped on him instead of over him.
The extra let the second assistant director know about the problem, who in turn informed Goth. However, in the very next take, Mia Goth allegedly kicked James Hunter in the face with her boot. Hunter claimed that the alleged action was deliberate. Hunter claimed that the pain he felt in his head was amplified by the fake blood drying out on his priestly robe, which was very painful to remove.
The incident was not done there, as, after the scene's filming, James went to the bathroom, where he was allegedly joined by an agitated Mia Goth, who "taunted, mocked and belittled" the man and even dared him to do anything about her antics. The man also felt lightheaded while driving home. The very next day, he was informed that his services for the remaining two days were no longer required.