Wednesday has proved to be an extremely intriguing watch up to this point. The spinoff to Addams Family premiered on Netflix on November 23, 2022, with eight hour-long episodes, following the life of the titular Wednesday Addams (Jenna Ortega). The show surrounded the young girl's attempts at uncovering a rapidly escalating set of mysteries that are linked by a series of murders.
The previous episode provided almost all the information about the monster known as Hyde and even indicated who the monster is. Turns out that Tyler (Hunter Doohan) is the monster but not in the sense one would expect. This episode also introduced the main villain and revealed the mastermind behind all this.
Wednesday season finale: Who is the mastermind behind the ploy?
The finale ends when Wednesday Addams begins torturing a captured Tyler to make him confess to the crime. Tyler outright denies everything, leading the principal to expel Addams for her heinous torture of another student. However, she goes to meet a recovering Eugene (Moosa Mostafa) before she leaves. Eugene reveals that he saw a figure in red boots before he was attacked that night.
This leads Addams to figure out the pieces of the puzzle and realize that it was Marilyn Thornhill (Cristina Ricci) all along. She also understood that Thornhill was Laurel Gates. Marilyn was controlling Tyler with the help of a plant-derived chemical. With the help of a shapeshifting Weems (Gwendoline Christie) posing as Tyler, Addams manages to get the confession from Thornhill. However, Thornhill ends up killing Weems and severely injures Addams.
When Addams wakes up, she is in Crackstone's crypt, where Marilyn explains her plan. Her ultimate aim was to resurrect Crackstone and put an end to the outcasts. The final part of the act was to get Addams' blood, which she does. This leads to Crackstone's resurrection, whose first task was to stab Addams brutally.
They venture on to end the remaining students of the Nevermore Academy. However, Goody Addams appears and heals Wednesday Addams. Meanwhile, Enid (Emma Myers) finally gains her wolf form while looking for Addams. As Addams is about to be attacked by Tyler, Werewolf Enid jumps in front of her and begins fighting him. This ends with the sheriff shooting the beast and Enid dropkicking him back to human form.
Addams takes on Crackstone at the school but is vastly overpowered by him. Fortunately, before Crackstone can take down Addams, Bianca (Joy Sunday) appears and stabs him. Addams proceeds to stab his black heart, disintegrating him completely. Eugene sends his army of bees to take down Marilyn, ending the fight.
The show concluded with the school ending early after the dramatic semester. Tyler is taken away, and Xavier gifts a phone to Wednesday. As Addams leaves the academy for this time, it is evident that she made a few friends and had an adventure of a lifetime.
The series will likely continue with Tyler still alive and the monster very much a danger to everyone around.
Wednesday is now streaming on Netflix.