Wednesday premiered with eight episodes on November 23, 2022, bringing the story of Wednesday Addams to light. A spinoff to the famous Addams Family, this was one of the most awaited shows of the year, and to be fair, it does not disappoint from the very start.
The first two episodes of the comedy-horror show were a fair nod to Tim Burton's classic style and began an engaging mystery very well.
The third episode had the task of developing the mystery further by adding depth, complexity, and the vital ancient connection that underpins all great mysteries.The third episode accomplished all of this while featuring strong performances from the majority of the cast.
Titled Friend or Woe, this episode was sharp, clever, and very well-written.
Read on for a detailed review of the third episode of the new Netflix show.
Wednesday episode 3 review: The tale of Joseph Crackstone
One of the first things this episode establishes is Addams' connection to the underlying events that surround the academy. The episode begins by revealing the secret club into which Wednesday accidentally stumbles at the end of the previous episode. This storyline may be important later in the season, but it is quickly resolved before the show stretches it any further.
The episode does not devote much time to Addams, who was on a quest to investigate the Academy's various mystical events. Rather, the focus is shifted to another school activity in which Addams must reluctantly participate. The scenes at the antique shop feature some of the show's best production design to date, as well as a good look at Wednesday's attempts to participate in something deemed 'normal.'
The episode's middle section returns to Rwan's alleged murder. Wednesday's persistent discussions with Tyler (Hunter Doohan) fail to produce the desired results, prompting her to question herself once more.
Wednesday delves deeper into the figure of Joseph Crackstone (William Houston), whom she saw in Rowan's painting. However, it is not until she has her vision that the viewers realize there is something more going on in the case.
Addams sees Joseph Crackstone in the vision. The vision also explains how Joseph vehemently opposed the town's outcasts, and how, after cornering them, he burned them all alive inside the meeting house. Goody Addams and her family are one of the outcasts in this group. Wednesday recognized Goody as her doppelganger in her vision. This confirms that the young Addams girl is inextricably linked to the Nevermore academy and the town.
The final part of the episode, much like the previous episodes, left a trail of mysteries, almost like a cliffhanger. Addams manages to catch another glimpse of the monster in the final moments of the episode, making it more evident that all that is happening at the Nevermore Academy is way more deeply rooted than whatever appears to the normal eye. The upcoming episodes will explore this in detail.
All the episodes of Wednesday are now streaming on Netflix.