The only dragons from "Game of Thrones" had the names Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion. Queen Daenerys Targaryen’s dragon eggs were hatched on the funeral pyre of her husband Khal Drogo, from which Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion were born.
In the world of "Game of Thrones," the term "Dracarys," which derives from the High Valyrian language, refers to the power of "Dragonfire." Though their origins are unknown, the Valyrians in Essos were the first to make connections between dragons and humans. As a result, the Valyrian civilization flourished up until the Doom of Valyria. Dragons, known to be extinct, returned when Daenerys's three dragon eggs hatched.
Daenerys Targaryen’s Three Dragons -

Drogon, the largest dragon and Daenerys' favorite, is black in color and named after her late husband, Khal Drogo. Drogon has been loyal to Daenerys throughout seasons 2 and 3, but in season 4, when she tries to stop him from injuring the other dragons over food, he roars in her face, making her realize that she might be losing control over her dragons. Daenerys learns of two complaints about Drogon's behavior while she is in Meereen: one from a shepherd whose sheep Drogon set ablaze and another from a farmer whose three-year-old daughter Drogon murdered.
Drogon flees before being apprehended, but not before saving Daenerys from an ambush in Daznak's Pit and carrying her off on his back while being wounded by the Sons of the Harpy. Later, he lands in the Great Grass Sea, where the Dothrakis will kidnap Daenerys. Finally, Drogon will embark on their voyage to Westeros with her and his brothers. Drogon is overcome with rage and grief when he finds Daenerys' lifeless body because he realizes how his mother's obsession with the Iron Throne led to her own death. The Iron Throne is then burned by Drogon until all that remains is a puddle of molten slag. He then flies across the Narrow Sea while carrying Daenerys' body in his talons.

The green dragon among Daenerys' three was named Rhaegal and he was given the name in honor of her elder brother, Rhaegar Targaryen. Rhaegal and Viserion are imprisoned in the catacombs beneath Meereen by Daenerys when she starts to lose control of them. Later, she visits them, but when she arrives, they try to attack her, forcing her to leave.
Rhaegal, who was set free by Tyrion, flies to Westeros after being set free, and Jon Snow rides him during the Battle of Winterfell. When Daenerys approaches King's Landing to launch a final assault on Cersei's forces, Rhaegal is ultimately killed by Euron Greyjoy's fleet.

The yellow dragon among Daenerys' three was named Viserion and he is named in honor of her other brother, Viserys Targaryen. Rhaegal and Viserion were imprisoned in the Meereen catacombs by Daenerys after she lost control of them. Later, she visits them, but when she arrives, they try to attack her, forcing her to leave.
During a battle with the White Walkers beyond the Wall, Viserion was killed by an ice spear, only to be revived by the Night King. Viserion breathes blue fire at the Wall, the Night King is on his back, and the Wall collapses. After Arya killed the Night King during the Battle of Winterfell, Viserion's body disintegrated into its skeletal form.
Other Major Dragons - from the series “House of the Dragon”

The memorable opening scene of episode 1 introduces the first terrifying character in House of the Dragon. It was a yellow beast swooping through the sky with a Targaryen royal on its back named Syrax.
Syrax was said to be swift enough to outrun Caraxes, the dragon of Daemon Targaryen, to Dragonstone and back. Syrax was described as a "huge and formidable beast," though it was not the biggest of the Targaryen dragons. This dynamic is demonstrated in episode 2 when, shortly after Daemon has taken an egg from King's Landing, Rhaenyra uses Syrax to confront her uncle and his dragon on the bridge at Dragonstone.

A "lean red beast," as described in 'Fire & Blood', and Caraxes, the mount of Daemon Targaryen (Matt Smith), are also introduced in episode 1. Caraxes, known as the "Fiercest of all the Young Dragons in the Dragonpit," was once the mount of Prince Aemon Targaryen, the nephew of Viserys I (Paddy Considine), and the son of Jaeherys. By the year 105 A.C., he had switched to being Daemon's mount. Caraxes, also known as the Blood Wyrm, have a noticeable appetite. He is described as being "savage, cunning, and battle-tested" in addition to his blood color.
Robinson claims that she messaged Paula Fairfield, the House of the Dragon's sound designer, who informed her that Caraxes' roar has a peculiar, strangled whine; he said, "He’s the dragon that no one loves, and he has a deviated septum." He’s a bullying white boy who thinks he can rap and overcompensates, so like real Kendall Roy energy."
Balerion The Black Dread

Technically, during the events of "House of the Dragon," we never actually encounter the largest and oldest Targaryen dragon. However, his skull can be seen in the crypt where Viserys reveals the "A Song of Ice and Fire" secret to his heir, Rhaenyra. Given that Balerion the Black Dread was referred to in “Fire & Blood” as "huge and ancient and sleepy," the dragon skull's looming presence over them is dark and enormous.
Balerion, who served as Aegon the Conqueror's mount in the past, was crucial to Aegon's conquest of the Seven Kingdoms. One of the last dragons to be born in Valyria, Balerion was black and powerful, with a wingspan that could submerge entire cities in shadow beneath him. He also survived the Doom, an unknown catastrophe—possibly a natural disaster—that obliterated the Valyrian Freehold. He was old and frail by the time Viserys I adopted him as his mount many years later. Viserys never again mounted a dragon following the passing of Balerion in 94 AC due to old age.

Vhagar, the sister of Balerion the Black Dread and the only still-living dragon to have traveled to Westeros with Aegon the Conqueror is arguably the most visually stunning dragon on the show. By the end of Fire & Blood, this dragon "had grown nigh as large as the Black Dread of old. Her fires burned hot enough to melt stone."
The enormous she-dragon reappears in episode 7, dozing off on Driftmark soon after Laena's funeral. Aemond, the arrogant second son of Viserys and Alicent Hightower, decides to attempt to claim the dragon as his own mount. Though he is successful, taking the dragon away from Laena's daughters causes a violent family feud. Aemond makes reference to riding the biggest dragon in the world later, in episode 9, indicating that he has formally bonded with Vhagar. Then, of course, in the historic season 1 finale, he is seen riding her.

King Jaeherys I Targaryen, who sat on the Iron Throne before King Viserys, once rode this older creature. Vermithor appears to be bronze in color with tan wings in Martin's books, and by the time the “Dance of the Dragons” starts, he is close to 100 years old. He is truly enormous, with the only dragons bigger than him being Balerion and Vhagar.
Vermithor is mentioned by Daemon as another potential dragon on Rhaenyra's side of the conflict in episode 10. Daemon searches for the dragon in the season 1 finale while singing a High Valyrian song, despite the fact that he is currently riderless and resides on the Dragonmont in Dragonstone. Vermithor might appear a lot more in season 2.
A. In the Game of Thrones series, there were only three dragons: Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion.
A. After being killed by White Walkers and subsequently transformed into one, Viserion passed away following the passing of the Night King.
A. Balerion was the dragon of Aegon I and it was called the Black Dread. With Balerion's assistance, Aegon was able to unite Westeros. His opponents were terrified of him simply because of his size, strength, and fearsome looks.