In the glitzy realm of animated musical journeys, Trolls Band Together serves as an illustrious model; however, producing such a spectacle entails a significant cost. According to ABC News, the budget for this incredible sensation in 2023 was $100 million.
This financial commitment was a decision that aimed to align the film with other successful productions in the genre and guarantee a visually and audibly stunning experience for viewers worldwide. The production of a movie of this scale typically requires the navigation of the intricate world of international filmmaking.
Trolls Band Together, the makers chose Germany as the filming location, taking into account not only its picturesque landscapes but also the financial advantages it offered. The considerable budget of the production was significantly offset by substantial tax credits obtained by choosing Germany as the backdrop.
Trolls Band Together's box office triumph: How the investment paid off
The financial strategy proved to be highly successful, as Trolls Band Together made a magnificent debut at the global box office. With impressive worldwide earnings of $108.1 million, the film's triumph went beyond just monetary achievements. It established itself as not only a strong competitor at the box office but also a cultural sensation, placing it alongside other popular animated hits.
Despite facing a competitive landscape upon its release in North America on November 17, 2023, Trolls Band Together demonstrated its financial strength. The picture grossed $30.6 million in its first weekend in the United States, demonstrating its appeal to people of all ages.
It continued its popularity as it extended into international markets, earning an amazing $76.3 million from overseas box offices.
Despite encountering tough competition, Trolls Band Together managed to leave a lasting impression on the all-time box office charts. It achieved commendable rankings in the highest tiers, showcasing its undeniable influence. Notably, the film claimed the 2,828th spot in the All-Time Domestic Box Office and an impressive 1,668th position in the All-Time Worldwide Box Office.
How long will Trolls Band Together be? Can you rent it?
Trolls Band Together has a runtime of 92 minutes. Universal Pictures released it, premiering in Denmark on October 12, 2023, and subsequently in the United States on November 17, 2023.
Although the audience eagerly awaited a digital release, the film is currently only available in theaters, as no platforms have secured the rights for online streaming yet.
The film's significant success is the reason why it is being kept in cinemas, as the studio has chosen to prioritize maximizing profits through traditional box office revenue instead of exploring online rentals. Currently, there are no opportunities to rent or stream it online.
Is Trolls Band Together a good movie?
The movie received a range of opinions from critics. Rotten Tomatoes praises its charm, color, and sweetness without going overboard and considers it the best out of the Trolls trilogy. On the other hand, IGN is not as excited about it, recognizing its visual style and energy but finding fault with the mix of popular songs.
The New York Times praises the film's cleverness, humor, and robust animation, echoing Roger Ebert's opinion that it maintains the lovable charm of its previous installments.
IMDB rates it at 6.9/10, indicating a generally positive response from the audience. Nevertheless, not all reviews are positive, with critics criticizing it as soulless, disjointed, and manufactured by corporations.
As the third installment in the Trolls franchise, it not only held its own in the competitive cinematic landscape but also set a new standard for animated blockbusters, proving that a well-calculated investment can yield both critical acclaim and box-office success.