The Circle returns for another season on Netflix. The popular reality show features a “flirty twist” in the upcoming season as the competitors are all seemingly single. While some of them may actually be single, others are catfishing as singletons.
One of the contestants set to appear in season 5 is Chaz Alvarez, who is a car detailer and entrepreneur. He started his own business after dropping out of school and quitting his job.
The Circle season 5 is set to return to screens on December 28, at 3:01 am ET on Netflix.
The Circle's Chaz Alveraz appeared in a YouTube Series with GQ
The Circle season 5 is set to feature Chaz Alveraz, a car detailer from New Jersey who is widely known as Shampoo Papi. Chaz has taken the East Coast by storm and has appeared in a YouTube series with GQ magazine, BET, and Nation Swell Media.
Access Wire described him as:
"Shampoo Papi is known as the man who turns boring automobile detailing to something entertaining. He makes videos of him detailing cars, blasting music, dancing, and having fun that his clients from all over the world genuinely enjoys and loves to watch."
The website also stated that for Chaz, success means being on the cover of Forbes, GQ, Vogue, and Cosmo. Being in a Jordan Peele and Tyler Perry movie will be a testament that he’s made it.
The upcoming The Circle contestant spoke to Vogage LA in 2019 about his career and stated that he details cars and cleans houses. He said that he is known for his videos, which often get social media coverage.
He added:
"People view Shampoo Papi as the modern Pimp My Ride. I take people’s cars from dirt to magic within a 4 hour period."
The entrepreneur added that people have been inspired by his work ethic globally and his ambition to be unapologetic in his ambition. The Circle season 5 contestant further spoke about his journey to where he is today and stated that he’s “been through many storms” in his life. He added that he no longer wanted to work with people, especially those who were homophobic and mentally abusive.
He stated:
"I couldn’t stand to be apart of a business or corporation that allowed harassment, bullying and scare tactics."
The decision to start his own business came after hitting rock bottom and watching his fiance work double to take care of them both. Chaz detailed his own car and showcased it on social media.
The Circle contestant received multiple inquiries about his work and he knew he could turn it into a full-time business. Since then, his business and brand have grown exponentially and expanded to other countries such as New Mexico, Dubai, France, Australia, and London.
He added:
"Today, you go to a car wash and drop your car off without any entertainment other than your phone. With me, my clients LOVE the shampoo papi experience, it’s not everyday people sit for 3-4 hours with their car detailer."
The Circle season 5 premieres on December 28, at 3:01 am ET on Netflix.