Crip Mac, legally known as Trevor Hurd, faced legal troubles involving the possession of an unregistered firearm and 10 rounds of ammunition. The rapper was charged with possession of said firearm and ammunition initially by the Los Angeles County. The presiding county judge dropped the charges against the rapper on December 5, 2023.
Moments after the local charges were dropped, the US Marshall Service, one of the federal services, arrested the rapper and transferred his case to the federal system in the latest case against him. The federal case charges the rapper with possession of unregistered firearm as a felon, and mentions his previous cases.
The full list of crimes include the possession and transportation of controlled substances in 2014, grand theft in 2015, attempted second degree armed robbery in 2017, and possession of firearm as a felon in 2021 and 2022 respectively.
More on Crip Mac and federal charges
Crip Mac is currently being held under pretrial detention, which can last upto 26 days or more, depending upon the person under trial and the determination of their flight risk. Governemnt agencies such as the US Marshall Services must prove a detainee is a flight risk in order to put someone under prolonged pre-trial detention under federal law.
The indictment in the new case reads as follows:
"Defendent Trevor Hurd, known as C-Mac knowingly possessed ammunition, namely 10 rounds of Norma Precision AB 9mm Luger ammunition contained in a semi-automatic handgun bearing no serial number(commonly referred to as a 'ghost gun') each in and affecting interstate commerce."
Speaking on the same exclusive Billboard report on December 8, 2023, Curtis Briggs, a Californian defence attorney not involved with the case, gave his legal opinion on the matter stating:
"Sometimes, local authorities become frustrated by lenient sentencing for people who are prolific [offenders] so they request the feds review for prosecution. This puts more prison time in the discussion."
The attorney continued:
"The worst case is he (Crip Mac) gets folded into a larger gang conspiracy and RICO case involving murders. In that case, it’s likely life in prison. “it’s possible, depending on the specific facts of his case, he could do 10 years. It depends on various individual factors”
Crip Mac is known for his gansta rap, which has gained him an underground following in the local community. His best known tracks include Western Wiggle, which currently has more than 1 million views on YouTube as well as Nifty Fifty and Moon Rock on 55th Street, which have 17 thousand and 24 thousand views respectively.
However, his career has been constantly shadowed by notoriety, with a long standing history of gang involvement and jail time. The rapper's worth is estimated to be around $1 million, although exact revenue figure is not available.