Squid Game revolves around 456 contestants who are in financial trouble and they are all invited to play a series of seemingly harmless children's games. However, it is soon revealed that these games are deadly and losing will cost them their lives. Some contestants try to quit the game but are tempted to stay after realizing the prize money is 45.6 billion Won.
The series became one of the most popular shows in 2021 and even became the first Korean drama to top Netflix's top ten most-watched TV shows chart. The show's rise was evident as Squid Game reached number one in 94 countries. As per Bloomberg, Squid Game is worth approximately $900 million based on viewer data.
What does the doll recite in Squid Game?
As per Squid Game Fandom, The doll recites on a repeated pattern saying 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다” (Mugunghwa-kkochi pieot-seumnida) . This roughly translates to “the Hibiscus flower has bloomed”. Hibiscus is the national flower of Korea.
During the initial game at this point, the contestants have no idea that the game is going to be more than serious. They see a giant robot doll standing at the head of a group of contestants next to a tree. As the doll turns its back, the players can move toward the doll. When the doll spins around to face the players, all the players must freeze immediately, or they risk getting shot and killed.
What is the doll’s name?
The Squid Game doll does not have a name as of November 2024. However, in an interview with Jimmy Fallon, actress Hoyeon Jung who plays the role of Kang Sae-byeok said that the doll's origin. She said,
“When we were at the school, there were characters — one is a boy, and one is the girl. The boy’s name was Chulsoo, and the girl’s name was Younghee, and she’s the one.”
What are the children's games in Squid Game?
The series Squid Game features a total of six children’s games in total throughout the story of the series and the only way the players can get to the next level is they must emerge as winners in order to progress. The six games featured in the show are as follows:
Red Light, Green Light
The first game in Squid Game is the Red Light, Green Light game. In this game, all 456 players are taken to a field where the giant doll is situated. The goal of the players is to reach the other end of the field within five minutes. However, they are only allowed to move when the doll says '' Green Light ". If the doll detects any player moving after '' Red Light ", they are eliminated from the game.
In the second game, the goal is to carve out a shape out of a honeycomb. The players are given shapes at random and a needle to carve the shapes out. As per the rules, if any players' honeycomb is cracked or they are unable to finish in time, they lose and are executed by guards.
Tug of War
The third game in Squid Game was Tug of War. In this game, the players are divided into teams of 10 and they face each other in a game of tug. The goal of the game was to pull the other team off their side of the bridge. As per Squid Game Fandom, 80 players participated in this game and 40 moved on to the next game.
The fourth game in Squid Game had each player pair up with another player of their choice. While they thought that they would be teaming up, they were made to compete against each other. They were each given a sack with 10 marbles and they had to play any marbles game of their choice. The one who won all the marbles from their partner would win and go into the next round.
Glass Stepping Stones
In the penultimate game, Glass Stepping Stones, the players are made to choose a jacket with a number from 1 to 16. The jacket chosen will represent the order that the contestants are to follow. In the game, the contestants have to cross a bridge made of tempered glass. The twist is that some glass panels are weak and they break as soon as a player jumps on them.
Squid Game
In this final game, two contestants face each other in a deadly version of Squid Game. In this game, one player is the attacker and the other is the defender. The goal of the attacker is to touch the area inside the squid's head and get the win. All kinds of combat are allowed in this version and if a player is unable to continue, the other is declared the winner.
A. The creepy robot in Squid Game does have a boyfriend named Cheol-su, which will be revealed in Season 2.
A. The doll from Squid Game really exists. It is situated at the entrance of a carriage museum in Jincheon County.
A. Squid Game is for mature audiences, which means it may not be suitable for ages 17 and under.
A. Yes, Squid Game season 2 will be released on Netflix on 26 December 2024.