The upcoming episode of A&E's new true crime show First Blood focuses on the notorious serial killer Ed Kemper, aka the Co-Ed Killer. Kemper reportedly murdered several female college students in and around California during the early 70s. He also killed his mother and her friend. A brief synopsis of the episode titled Ed Kemper: The Co-ed killer, according to Rotten Tomatoes, reads:
''The articulate and boastful killer is remembered for terrifying the coastal town of Santa Cruz, where he picked up and dismembered hitchhiking college students in the early 1970s.''
Without further ado, read on to find out more details about Ed Kemper's life and crimes ahead of Saturday's First Blood episode.
(Trigger warning: This article contains information about graphic violence)
A&E's First Blood: Ed Kemper's early life, killings, and more details
Ed Kemper was born in Burbank, California, to Clarnell Elizabeth Kemper and Edmund Emil Kemper Jr. Kemper had two sisters. He was reportedly close to his father, and his parents' divorce had a major impact on him growing up. Post their divorce, he lived with his mother, with whom he had a troubled relationship. Clarnell allegedly abused him as a child and was also an alcoholic.
At age 15, Kemper murdered his paternal grandparents, with whom he was staying at their North Fork home in California. He first shot his grandmother to death with a rifle his grandfather had given him for hunting after the two got into a heated argument. After killing her, he shot his grandfather, who was returning home from a nearby grocery store.
Kemper was eventually arrested and committed to Atascadero State Hospital. per court psychiatrists, he suffered from paranoid schizophrenia.
In late 1969, Kemper was released on parole, after which he lived with his mother in Aptos, California. During this time, he worked several odd jobs and faced financial troubles. His relationship with his mother remained difficult, and the two reportedly often got into intense arguments.
In the early 70s, Kemper killed several hitchhikers, mostly college girls, in California. He reportedly drove them to secluded areas and murdered them by stabbing, shooting, or strangling them. He'd also indulge in sexual activity with their dead bodies.
A&E's First Blood: How did Ed Kemper kill his mother?
In early 1973, Kemper murdered his mother at her home. He hit her using a claw hammer before slitting her throat with a penknife while she was asleep. Later, he hid her dead body in a closet.
He subsequently killed his mother's best friend Sally Hallett after inviting her home for dinner and hid her dead body in a closet. He then drove to Colorado and called the police from a local phone booth, confessing to the murders of his mother and her best friend, apart from the six college girls.
He told one of the officers that he started feeling his killings were ''a pure waste of time'' and that he couldn't ''emotionally handle it much longer.'' In November 1973, Kemper was found guilty of first-degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison. During the trial, he reportedly requested for death penalty.
You can watch First Blood - Ed Kemper: The Co-ed Killer on A&E on Saturday, July 30, 2022.