Actress and host Kris Aquino has shared a health update on social media. She has bid goodbye to her fans “for now and the next few years” to spend time focusing on her well-being.
The Filipino celebrity revealed that she was diagnosed with eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) through a note from her doctor. She shared that she is headed to Houston in the U.S. to receive treatment.
Kris Aquino took to Instagram on June 3 and shared that she was suffering from a rare disease. Her caption read:
“I’ll miss you – my friends and followers – very much. Time is now my enemy, we’re rushing, hoping there is no permanent damage to the blood vessels leading to my heart. For now and the next few years – sadly, it’s goodbye. Praying that my body can handle this extreme challenge.”
In Aquino’s Instagram video, her doctor Nino Gavino made an appearance. He shared that he reviewed her medical records and history, which helped him make the diagnosis of EGPA. He added that he gave her a steroid drug challenge in May to see if she could handle certain medications and treatments.
Dr. Gavino stated that, unfortunately, the actress did not respond well to the drug challenge and that she had:
“Severe adverse reactions which almost incapacitated her body.”
The doctor added that Kris Aquino will be going to the States to undergo treatment as the non-steroid she requires is present only in the States and is FDA-approved.
He went on to detail her treatment and stated that the next 9 to 12 months “will be crucial for us to see if she can achieve remission and continue the regimen further.”
What is EGPA, the disorder Kris Aquino has?
Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) is also called Churg-Strauss syndrome, which is marked by blood vessel inflammation. This can restrict blood flow to organs and tissues, which can sometimes cause permanent damage. The most common symptom of the same is the adult-onset of asthma. Other symptoms include nasal allergies, sinus problems, rashes, gastrointestinal bleeding, and numbness in one’s hands and feet.
Mayo Clinic states that the syndrome has no cure and is extremely rare. The symptoms can be controlled using steroids and other immunosuppressant drugs.
The cause of EGPA remains unknown. It is believed to be a combination of genes and environmental factors, including allergens, medications, and triggers, which could impact a sensitive immune system.
Sources claim that the life expectancy for a person suffering from EGPA without any medical intervention is 25%. One in a million people are diagnosed with the disease each year. According to her doctor, Aquino will be able to diagnose whether her treatments are working or not only after “at least a minimum of 18 to 24 months.”
Kris Aquino has been suffering from health problems since March. She was diagnosed with erosive gastritis and gastric ulcers in the past. She was reportedly also undergoing medical tests and treatments since 2018 when she found out that she was suffering from an autoimmune disease.