Felix Hall, a London-based DJ, has stepped down from NTS and issued apologies after several artists came forward with accusations of bigotry and anti-Palestine death threats from Hall. On April 7, 2023, the artist had apparently threatened to kill the family of New York-based artist Tony Lowe (AKA Rainstick), whose partner is Palestinian. As per Resident Advisor, Hall said:
"F*ck Palestine."
The DJ recently released a statement of apology before deactivating his social media accounts. In the apology, he wrote that he was struggling with his mental health:
“I am greatly sorry as to how my actions have impacted others, and genuinely would like to make amends. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to talk at any stage."
In his apology, Hall mentioned the recent loss of his father, Terry Hall, and attempting to cope with said loss as one of the contributing factors in his behavior.
Lowe, for his part, considers the Felix Hall controversy an opportunity to bring awareness to the Palestinian plight, as he stated in his statement to Resident Advisor:
"I'm trying to see this all as a positive, as bringing more awareness for the Palestinian cause. It has brought me into closer contact with so many amazing artists, including the other musicians he menaced. We have all spoken about creating some kind of project for Palestinian solidarity, like a mixtape series, which will be powerful and fun. We keep fighting."
He further added:
"I've never before had a personal issue with Felix Hall. The issue is the bigotry, racism and violence he has displayed (and then tried to hide,) and the greater dangers they represent. It's up to him to demonstrate to the world that he has meaningfully condemned and changed those views, or be transparent about them."
Felix Hall dropped from label
The revelations regarding Felix Hall's behavior have shocked the music world, with the DJ now facing several repercussions.
Among the artists who came forward to corroborate the accusations against the DJ was Cairo-based NTS host Nihal, who responded to the DJ's apology with the following post on Twitter:
Soon after the incident came to light, the NTS station also released a statement:
“Felix has decided to step down from his NTS show, which we agree is the best course of action. NTS doesn’t tolerate any forms of racism or bigotry.”
French label Few Crackles also announced that they have dropped the artist from their label and issued a statement condemning the DJ's actions:
The London Gala Festival dropped the DJ from their lineup, "in solidarity with the victims of Hall’s threats, and all the Palestinian people":
"We are saddened to learn of the comments made by Felix Hall recently, who was booked to play at GALA this year. We have zero tolerance for hatefulness, especially towards oppressed communities."
More about Felix Hall and his career
Felix Hall was born on October 26, 1994, in Coventry, Warwickshire, England, to the late Terry Hall and Jeanette Hall. The DJ attended high school in Coventry before moving to London and graduating from the University of the United Kingdom with a degree in civil engineering.
Hall began his career in 2005 with his first major album, Warning, being released in 2016. The same year, he joined the NTS radio station as a regular jockey.
The DJ also released a mixtape, eponymously titled Felix Hall, in 2021. He has also been featured in two other mixtapes in recent years and has a net worth of over £1 million.