Jeopardy! is one of the most popular game shows in the history of American television owing to its offbeat format and engaging nature. Typically played between three contestants, the show has been running since 1964 with breaks in between.
Jeopardy! is on its 38th season, which has also been one of the most popular in the show's history. This season has had some incredible contestants like Matt Amadio and Amy Schneider, who have made some of the greatest streaks in history.
Presently, Mattea Roach, a Toronto-based tutor, is on her way to making history as well, currently going on a streak of 14 days. She is also the 13th participant in the game's history to win for more than ten days.
The final question in Jeopardy! is a big deal as it can make or break a contestant's fate. Moreover, the last question allows fans worldwide to participate in the game. Over the years, guessing the final answer ahead of the episode has become a cult practice.
If you are looking for the answers to the final question of April 25, scroll on.
Clue and solution to the April 20 Final Jeopardy!
The final round of the show is unique. It supplies the answer to the participants, and they have to figure out the question. Each contestant is also given a choice to either play the final question and risk it all or bow out with the amount they have accumulated.
On April 25, 2022, 14-day champion Mattea Roach will compete against non-profit professional Claire Dozier and food technologist Anna Meyer. It will be worth seeing if Mattea can increase her streak to 15 days.
The final category for April 25 is "Names in American History." One cannot fathom how vast this topic is, especially as the category is not limited to humans or things.
Clue: Capable of freighting about 180 tons of cargo, in 1624, it was in disrepair and appraised at a total value of 128 pounds.
Solution: Mayflower.
The Mayflower was an English ship that famously transported a group of English families, known as 'pilgrims,' in 1620. The day of their arrival is now celebrated as Thanksgiving Day.
More about Mayflower
Mayflower is one of the most significant ships in the history of America. Being a small ship, Mayflower could not gold over 180 tons at its peak, and by the time it set sail, it wasn't in its best condition.
Despite this, it could carry over 100 passengers and a crew of about 30 to America. It safely made the voyage, dropping anchor near the tip of Cape Cod. Since then, it has been of immense historical significance. No one knows what happened to the ship afterward.
Be sure to tune into your local stations for another exciting night of Jeopardy!.