Jeopardy!, one of the most popular American game shows, is a treat to watch because of its quirky format and interesting contestants. The prolific show has been around since the 1960s and is currently in its 38th season. The current season happens to be one of the most successful in the show's history, owing to the brilliant streaks of Matt Amodio and Amy Schneider.
The April 20 episode of Jeopardy! will see 11-day champion Mattea Roach face off against educator and librarian, Loni Lewis, and IT support student, Sean Wong. Mattea Roach made history by becoming the first-ever Canadian citizen to hold a streak this long. She has also become the 13th person to win more than ten games in the history of the show.
The final question of the game show is a matter of great intrigue for fans and participants alike. While viewers have a chance to play it from their living rooms, participants can choose to play the final round and put their winnings at risk, or play safe and avoid it. Being able to answer the final question correctly guarantees amazing rewards for the participant.
Without delay, let's dive into the clues and solutions for the upcoming episode of Jeopardy!.
Clue and solution to the April 20 Final Jeopardy!
The final question of the show is truly unique. Contestants are given a solution to which they have to figure out the question. The same goes for viewers who participate in the game.
The category for April 20, 2022, is "On the Internet." Safe to say, it can encompass just about anything because we are all living our lives online these days.
Clue: This website launched in 2015 with three offerings from James Patterson, Dustin Hoffman, and Serena Williams.
Solution: MasterClass.
MasterClass is a website that was launched on May 12, 2015, as a collaborative venture with offerings from legendary actor Dustin Hoffman, ace athlete Serena Williams, and author James Patterson. It was co-founded by David Rogier and Aaron Rasmussen in San Francisco.
More about MasterClass
MasterClass is an American educational website where one can get help from professionals in specific fields via pre-recorded lectures. Presently, MasterClass features 11 categories and more than 150 classes. Currently, some of the notable instructors in MasterClass include television producer, Shonda Rhimes, documentary filmmaker, Ken Burns, and the legendary drummer of The Beatles, Ringo Starr.
Make sure you tune into your local stations for another exciting night of Jeopardy! on April 20, 2022.