What did Greg Abbott accuse Biden administration of? Texas Governor deploys National Guard for re-installing razor wire to deter migrants

Greg Abbott accuses Biden administration of cutting razor wire designed to repel migrants (Image via Instagram/@govabbott)
Greg Abbott accuses Biden administration of cutting razor wire designed to repel migrants (Image via Instagram/@govabbott)

Texas Governor Greg Abbott had some stern words about the Biden administration. The Republican accused the Biden administration of cutting the razor wire installed at the Eagle Pass in Texas. According to a tweet he posted on September 21, 2023, he immediately installed more razor wires and deployed more Texas National Guard to keep illegal crossings at bay.

He posted a video of the feds helping immigrants by cutting the wire along with the tweet. In a later tweet, along with posting an image of a letter he sent to Biden last year, Greg Abbott declared an invasion at the border caused by Biden's policies. He also listed several measures that he would be taking to repel illegal immigrants.

Greg Abbott's harsh response came after Wednesday's Eagle Pass migrant crisis when 4,000 immigrants entered the country. The National Guard was helped by 800 troops sent in by the Biden administration to manage the situation at the border. News Nation said the Eagle Pass sector saw around 270,000 encounters this fiscal year.

Mission Border Hope, Eagle Pass' only immigrant shelter, was overrun, and hospitals were overwhelmed by the sheer volume of immigrants, mainly from Venezuela through Mexico. Eagle Pass Mayor Rolando Salinas declared a state of emergency on Wednesday.


"I officially declared an invasion at our border" - Greg Abbott

On Thursday, September 21, Texas's Republican Governor, Greg Abbott, bluntly pointed his finger at the Biden administration and accused them of cutting the razor wire installed by Texas designed to keep immigrants out at the Eagle Pass. He also posted a video of federal agents allegedly cutting the wire to help immigrants. He further stated that he was taking care of the problem. Abbott declared:

"Today the Biden Admin CUT that wire (Texas installed razor wire), opening the floodgates to illegal immigrants."

He added:

"I immediately deployed more Texas National Guard to repel illegal crossings & install more razor wire."

Greg Abbott wasn't done. In a tweet posted later on the same day, he stated:

"I officially declared an invasion at our border because of Biden's policies. We deployed the Texas National Guard, DPS & local law enforcement."

He added:

"We are building a border wall, razor wire & marine barriers. We are also repelling migrants."

Along with the tweet, Greg Abbott posted a screenshot of a letter he wrote to the Biden administration on November 16 last year. Abbott highlights Article IV, § 4 of the US Constitution, which guarantees federal government protection for states against an invasion, and claims that the Biden administration denied this right by refusing to impose immigration laws enacted by Congress.

This failure forced him to enact Article I, § 10, Clause 3 of the Constitution, which enabled Texas to protect its territory against Mexican Drug Cartel invasion. He talked about how illegal immigration was at the highest volume in the history of the United States. This prompted a UN agency to call the border between Mexico and Texas "the deadliest land crossing in the world."


In the letter, Greg Abbott Further talked about how Texas residents were paying the price for the failure of the Biden administration. The problems he cited included the ripping apart of ranches, homes vulnerable to intrusions, human trafficker and bailout disruptions, and a rising fentanyl crossing. Abbott stated that Article I, § 10, Clause 3 was not "just excess verbiage." He declared that:

"It reflects an understanding by our Founders, the authors of the Constitution, that some future President might abandon his obligation to safeguard the States from an extraordinary inflow of people who have no legal right of entry."

He added:

"They foresaw your failures."

Abbott stated that such measures could be avoided if the administration took the proper measures by the "faithful execution of the immigration laws enacted by Congress." These included aggressive prosecution of entry and re-entry, full reinstatement of the Migrant Protection Protocols, resumption of the border wall construction in Texas, and compliance with statutes mandating "alien" detention.

Abbott declared that the Biden administration's "open-border policies" left Texas no choice but to escalate its efforts for the state's security. He pointed out that the administration was the only cause for Texas to invoke its constitutional authority to be able to defend itself.

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Edited by Pradyot Hegde
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