The Program docuseries that was released on March 5, brings out the chilling connection between Jason Finlinson, the infamous director of Ivy Ridge, and the cruel and brutal treatment of problematic youngsters who were forced to enroll in the Academy at Ivy Ridge.
The Program: Cons, Cults and Kidnapping is a three-part documentary series directed and narrated by filmmaker and former student Katherine Kubler. It explores her and her fellow alumni's time at the Academy, as well as the ongoing trauma that resulted from the program.
According to a report in the New York Times, in 2003, it was discovered that the strict disciplinarian had previously served as an administrator at Casa by the Sea, a similar facility in Mexico. As for his whereabouts, following the facility's closure and eventual abandonment in 2009, he had last been in New York, facing multiple lawsuits.
Who is Jason Filinson?
While working as the Director of Casa By The Sea, Jason Finlinson initially associated with WWASP. He quit that position in 2001 to take a post at the Academy at Ivy Ridge in New York.
Finlinson was the director at Ivy Ridge until it was forced to close due to a $100 million lawsuit alleging that fake diplomas and false claims of accreditation had been granted. As per records, he oversaw a cruel program that systematically abused and tormented youngsters.
In an archive footage, he's seen describing the program as one that "Enables kids to see where they've been misled." Finlinson married MayBeth Lichfield, who was the daughter of a prominent figure in the WWASP organization.
Where is Jason Finlinson now?
According to victim and witness statements taken for The Program docuseries, the facility's managers allegedly subjected the residents to physical and psychological torture, unethical medical practices, subpar living conditions, s*xual assault, and more.
The students allegedly suffered from mental and emotional torture to the point that they were forced to drink bleach or cut their wrists to end their lives. Videos seized from the school show pupils being restrained violently.
Jason Finlinson has been reportedly charged with child abuse in the name of disciplining children, along with the other founder of the Academy at Ivy Ridge. Since the facility was shut down and subsequently abandoned in 2009, he has purportedly been the target of other lawsuits.
What happened in the Academy at Ivy Ridge’s – The Program docuseries?
The Program docuseries features accounts from former students about the type of abuse that occurred at the Academy. They talk of how the facility's managers s*xually assaulted them and abused them emotionally, physically, and mentally. Students discuss how they were enrolled in a home-school program as part of this "correction program".
The Program docuseries sheds light on the years of institutionalized abuse that occurred at the Academy at Ivy Ridge. The pupils described in the video how the facility trained their parents to allow their children to be "abducted" into the cult.
The parents were so affected that they refused to bring their kids home even after they discovered the truth about the abuse that was occurring in the school.
Watch what happened at the Academy at Ivy Ridge in The Program docuseries on Netflix.