Fear The Walking Dead released its final episode on November 19, 2023. One of the series' characters, Morgan Jones, has traveled a tough path personally in the series' universe. Fans were anticipating a cross-over in the series finale, but Morgan, who had been in the series since its early days, left mid-way through the season. Thus, there was no revelation on how it ended regarding him. The fact that he was absent at the end, left audiences asking, demonstrating how seriously the series takes its characterization.
Morgan’s story and Lennie James’ depiction of him culminate after a journey that lasted for 13 years in the Fear the Walking Dead universe. For James, the story of Morgan’s evolution is the story of the worth of life and the responsibility of someone defending other people’s lives.
Morgan’s decision to exit the scene, which is in sync with the demands of the story, becomes integral to the series as it captures the human struggle toward meaning as life turns upside down.
Morgan Jones evolves from a survivor to a protective father in Fear The Walking Dead
Morgan (played by Lennie James) is shot at close range and left to die at the end of season 5 of Fear the Walking Dead. This survival leads to a shift in his character in the sense that, comes season 6, he adopts the “Morgan Jones is dead” change.
In this season he becomes the adoptive father to Baby Morgan, an orphaned child of Isaac and Rachel as well as Grace. It is worth noting that Grace is still grieving the loss of their stillborn baby Athena as the group traverses the vagaries of a nuclear zombie apocalypse.
Morgan and Grace, surviving the first blasts of a nuclear apocalypse, come to face a life amidst destruction, radioactive ash, and scarce resources. Morgan's journey in the middle of the series’ final episode, All I See Is Red is especially notable. He ultimately buries his walker spouse Jenny and zombified son Duane in King County, believing that he is out of the stage of “clearing”- which he calls getting rid of a "security threat."
At the same time, he loses Grace to a walker’s bite and Mo to PADRE. After the loss, out of his grief and anger, he descends into a state where there is no difference between walkers and human beings, for the need of clearing and killing.
His mantra, “I lose people, and then I lose myself,” echoes the same struggle. In a fit of madness, Morgan sees flashes of all the people he has lost, and that is the soaring point of this episode.
It’s not until later that he manages to break the cycle of losing people and comes to the important lesson that “you never really lose people." So he returns complete with his new friend in order to rescue his daughter, Mo, and find Rick Grimes at the Alexandria Safe-Zone where it all started everywhere again. Lennie James confirmed that it would be his last exit from Fear the Walking Dead and the entire Walking Dead universe for a 13-year period.
The choice to halt Morgan’s journey in the middle of season eight has been considered a creative one, meeting the narrative necessities of this TV series. Although his departure was conclusive, the door stays slightly open in case there will be a reunion with Rick Grimes. However, James stressed that such a return occurs in the event a good storyline within the universe emerges.
All seasons of Fear the Walking Dead are available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video.