Love Island, the popular ITV show that has been on air since 2015 has seen islanders appear on the show and is currently airing its spin-off All Stars. While the show has already seen its first walk out of the show, there have been several cast members who were asked to leave the show, including Noah Purvis.
Noah Purvis was a contestant on the American version of the show in 2020 but was abruptly removed just days after he arrived as a bombshell. At the time, no specifics were mentioned and CBS and ITV America stated to Entertainment Tonight that the cast member had provided them with false information.
"It has been brought to our attention that cast member Noah Purvis provided false information on his application to Love Island, which violates his contestant agreement. He has been removed from the show."
Soon after, Noah addressed his removal from the show. He spoke to E! News about his elimination and also detailed his journey on YouTube.
"I had been in p*rnography": Noah Purvis' past led to his removal from Love Island
Noah Purvis entered the Love Island USA season 2 villa on Day 26. He and two other bombshells arrived together, but Noah was abruptly removed from the show less than a week later.
While CBS and ITV America didn't provide specifics about the cast member's elimination, the season 2 star addressed the issue on his own. Noah told E! News he was eliminated from the show after the producers learned that he used to be in adult films.
"They decided to pull me because they found out that I had been in p*rnography in the past."
At the time, The Love Island USA cast member thought they were going to do a normal interview with him. However, when they took him to the side, they told him about his removal from the show.
Noah was "shocked" and didn't understand what he did wrong. He noted that he had only been on the show for three days and had done everything he was supposed to. The producers explained to him that he didn't inform them about the past.
"They said, 'You're going great. You just didn't tell us about something you had previously done."
The show's crew reminded him that he "went by another alias," which is when Noah realized what they were talking about. During his conversation with E! News, he stated that he had "buried" it mentally. The Love Island season 2 islander was crushed and felt like he had disappointed everyone.
The reality television personality added that he felt like a "failure" and didn't know how to process the news. Noah had a meltdown due to his exit and had to seek professional medical help.
At the time of his conversation with the publication in October 2020, Noah Purvis was still in therapy. He has been opening up about the things he has done in the past and why he was removed from the reality dating show.
Love Island USA wrapped up season 5 in August 2023. Episodes of the same are available to stream on Peacock.