British comedian Russell Brand released an alarming video on social media on Friday, September 15, 2023. In the video, he addressed a series of criminal allegations that he was about to be hit with. The claims were reportedly sprung on him by two mainstream media outlets. Brand claimed that these two outlets sent him a letter and an email about the allegations. It was initially rumored that these two outlets were Channel 4 and The Sunday Times. However, the same has been confirmed by the BBC in a recent report.
A new episode of Channel 4's Dispatches aired on September 16, 2023, and according to the BBC, it featured a special investigation into Russell Brand.
In his YouTube video, Brand pointed out that the allegations were s*xual in nature and were from a time when he was big in the mainstream. However, throughout the video, the comedian maintained his innocence and stated that all intimate relationships he had were consensual.
According to the BBC, Russell Brand was accused of r*pe, s*xual assault, and emotional abuse by four women.
Needless to say, Russell Brand's video and the news went viral and shocked netizens. Fans were quick to take the comedian's side claiming that the government and the global elite that Russel always spoke against had finally come to get him. Others stated that he was being attacked for "speaking the truth." They took to X to comment on Russell Brand's post and showed him support with one person saying:

Russell Brand vehemently denies potential allegations
As mentioned earlier, Russell Brand posted a mysterious two-minute forty-five-second-long video on all of his social media platforms. The comedian began the video by saying that it was the usual Russell Bran-type people where he attempted to "critique, attack, and undermine the news in all its corruption". He stated that he was the news in the video.
Brand revealed that he had received two "extremely disturbing letters", from a media company and a newspaper.
"A litany of extremely egregious and aggressive attacks, as well as some pretty stupid stuff, like my community festival should be stopped and I shouldn't be able to attack mainstream media narratives on this channel," Brand said.
However, this wasn't what he was mainly worried about. He said that in the midst of all the "baroque" attacks lay some pretty serious allegations. He noted that the allegations were from when he was still in the mainstream, in newspapers and movies. Brand immediately went on to refute all the said allegations.
The comedian stated that during all his "promiscuous times," every relationship he ever had was consensual, a thing that he has always been transparent about. He alleged that his transparency being "metastasized" into something criminal made him question if there was another agenda at play.
He compared his situation with Joe Rogan when the latter was ostracized in the media for deciding to "take a medicine the mainstream media didn't approve of." Russell Brand stated that he was aware of fan comments warning him that people were coming for him and that he was getting too close to the truth. He said that he was aware of the articles being written about him.
Brand stated that he was aware of newspapers calling and sending letters to people he knew.
"For ages and ages, it's been clear to me or at least feels to me like there's a serious and consorted agenda to control these kind of spaces and these kind of voices," Brand added.
Brand revealed that he does not mind using his comedy or books to talk about his promiscuity. However, he completely denied the "very, very serious, criminal allegations" that he was about to be struck by. That being said, Russell was very confident about the resources he had in combatting the alleged allegations.
He said that there were witnesses who had evidence that contradicted the narrative that the media outlets were trying to construct. He even went on to call the allegations a "coordinated attack."
Russell Brand stressed once again that he felt like he was being attacked and that the attackers were working closely. However, he noted that he wasn't going too into the matter as it was a serious case. Before concluding the comedian told his viewers to stay close, stay awake, and stay free.
Netizens rally in support of the comedian
Russell Brand's video went viral on social media, prompting reactions from a plethora of internet users, fans, and celebrities. On his YouTube channel with over 6 million subscribers, the video amassed over 315,000 views. On X, the video surpassed 27 million views.
Netizens rallied together in support of Brand and claimed that mainstream outlets and the government were coming for him as he spoke the truth and attacked them for years. People ensured Russell that no matter what, they would always have his back. Brand even got the support of Tucker Carson, Andrew Tate, and Elon Musk.
While the alleged outlets' names and the nature of the allegations weren't initially revealed, the BBC did confirm that it was The Sunday Times and Channel 4. It is being reported that the documentary that will be aired has the potential to be headline-worthy.
The 90-minute special episode aired at 9 pm on Saturday, 16 September, and is set to focus on an investigation into Russell Brand.
Russel Brand accused of r*pe and s*xual assault
According to the findings of the Dispatchers investigation, four women have accused Russell Brand of s*xual assault, r*pe, and emotional abuse. The incidents occurred when Brand was at his Hollywood peak, between 2006 and 2013.
The first woman alleged that Brand had r*aped her in Los Angeles, with her back against the wall. There are medical reports of her treatment at a r*pe crisis center, to prove the same. The second woman stated that Brand had engaged in a manipulative and abusive relationship with her when she was only 16 years old.
The third woman stated that she was s*xually assaulted in Los Angeles and was confronted with legal threats if she were to take action. Another woman also claimed that she was assaulted by Russell Brand, and had entered into an abusive relationship with him.
It is worth noting that most of the sources and all the victims have been kept anonymous due to the enormity of the allegations.
The investigation is the culmination of years of conducting interviews with anyone who ever knew Russell Brand. This included family, friends, celebrities, past relationships, an analysis of his content, and even the therapist's notes. The aforementioned YouTube video can now be seen as Brand's response to these allegations.