The soap opera, Days of Our Lives began airing on NBC in 1965 and has aired over 14000 episodes to date. The show aired on the American network channel until 2022, following which it began streaming exclusively on Peacock. Fans across the world have loved the show for its storylines, the drama, and the characters it has introduced to them.
In the May 2022 episode of the show, things got intense when Tripp (Lucas Adams) found himself in a tough situation. During an intense exorcism at St. Luke's, he tried to save Allie and as he told the devil to leave her body, he offered himself as a vessel for the same.
Tripp then went up to the highest window of the church to show his love for Allie and decided to join the special event with her. He jumped out the window to rescue her and his dad, Steve, found him unconscious and took him to the hospital.
Following the fall, Tripp's future in the Days of Our Lives was uncertain. According to a July 2022 report by SoapOperaNetwork, Tripp was set to leave the show. While Tripp did make a return to the show, he and his love interest Wendy did leave Days of Our Lives in 2023.
Sacrifices Tripp made on Days of Our Lives and how it affected his character arc
The Days of Our Lives character Tripp Dalton had an overarching story arc when he made sacrifices that revealed his growth and the complexity of his character. He willingly allowed himself to be possessed by Allie-Devil during a risky exorcism and leaped out of a church window, which showed his selfless affection. Through all this, the character proved to his fans that he was a brave and dedicated person.
These sacrifices changed who he was and played a big role in shaping his journey. They also brought about some moments that showed that he forgave, redeemed himself, and did some serious soul-searching as well.
Tripp won the audience's hearts by looking out for others, even when it meant putting himself in danger. It showed them that he had evolved from a complicated character into someone they believed was a hero. With his sacrifices, Tripp learned the importance of love, family, and forgiveness.
What happened after Tripp Dalton left the show?
Since Tripp left Days of Our Lives, the show had a noticeable shift in the storyline and character interactions. Without him, some key relationships and plots were left hanging, leading to other characters having to adapt and evolve in response to his departure.
However, several new storylines and character developments also took place after he left. It was interesting to see how his departure affected everyone - relationships got tested, new alliances were formed, and conflicts popped up.
Even though this marked the end of a big era for the character, it opened up new storylines and exciting chances for other characters in Days of Our Lives. Tripp's legacy carried on shaping the plot, making his influence still strongly felt even when he wasn't around.
Final thoughts
Tripp's departure from Days of Our Lives wraps up an interesting chapter in the show, leaving fans with lots of emotions and memories to cherish. His character added depth, complexity, and a relatable touch that kept viewers invested in his journey of love, sacrifice, and redemption. As fans bid farewell to Tripp, they fondly remembered the impact he had on those around him and the lasting impression he left.
Fans can stream episodes of the show on Peacock's website or app.