As much as people love TikTok content, they are also fascinated by the various acronyms used on the short video-sharing app. While some can be complicated, others are pretty logical and basic.
For example, the newest slang actively used on TikTok is "IMSG."
However, knowing the meaning and usage of this slang helps us understand exactly what we are looking at. Plus, it saves us from the whole "lost in the translation" situation.
So, in the ocean of TikTok short form and slang, what exactly does this one mean?
What does IMSG mean on TikTok? Is it something related to computers?
While the acronym IMSG might sound heavy-duty or have something to do with technology and computers, in reality, it’s all about texting and chatting. This slang is used as short for instant message games. Generally, this is used when users indulge in applications like iMessage or WhatsApp to play games with their contacts.
Moreover, as per the Urban Dictionary, this acronym also means “instant message games.” However, a lot of users use it as a short form for “imessages.” They just add up an “S” to make this abbreviation IMSG.
People generally use this as hashtag to get a number of a person with whom they are conversing on social media.
The hashtag #imsg is becoming increasingly popular with each passing day, with nearly 25 billion views and counting. While some videos with this hashtag show people conversing with other users and attempting to get their digits, others have uploaded a screen record of some instant messaging game that they may be playing with one of their contacts.
The popularity of IMSG has grown so much that Netflix, the OTT giant, has introduced its own gaming section for users who are using the app on their phones.
Other slangs that are taking over the world of TikTok
While IMSG is not the only slang that is taking over TikTok and TikTokers by storm. Other slang like GYAT, DTN and IB are also becoming supremely popular.
Here are some of the frequently used abbreviations on TikTok that any user must know for a seamless experience on the short video sharing application.
- GYAT: Shortened for ‘goddamm,’ this abbreviation generally means “oh my god.” People use it on social media’s comment section to express their shock, disbelief or any similar feeling regarding the content shared by the other user.
- DTN: Used as a short for “don’t trust no one,” people also use “DTN4L”, which means “don't trust no one for life.” This abbreviation is avidly used by people who have had bitter experiences in life, especially in relationships.
- IB: Meaning “inspired by,” this is used on TikTok to credit the person who must have inspired the person’s video. By using this abbreviation, people generally mention the TikTok user ID of the person they’ve been inspired by.
The internet language is evolving, and keeping up with it becomes imperative to understand and fully enjoy the content on social media, especially TikTok. Tell us your favorite TikTok slang in the comment below.