Marc Jacobs handbags were secured at a 100% discount by buyers on Tuesday morning. This happened following an inadvertent error that occurred on the official website.
The Wall Street Journal reported that one of the shoppers informed that she bought Marc Jacobs’ “The Year of the Tiger” mini jacquard tote bag as soon as she explored the unbelievable 100% discount offer. She further stated that upon reaching the checkout section, the brand was automatically applying a discount for the bag’s entire price.
The shopper told The Wall Street Journal:
“It crashed several times while I was on the website, but eventually, I was able to put the bag that I wanted into my cart.”
She tried making the purchase after viewing a post that communicated to people about the glitch in a Facebook group dedicated to luxury items.
The shopper claimed that she initially received a confirmation of her purchase, but later in the afternoon it was followed by a message from the brand that stated about the cancelation of her order.
What is an inadvertent error?
Inadvertent error is basically a mechanical, electronic, or clerical error that a creditor shows. However, such errors are not intentional and occur despite strict maintenance of procedures that are reasonably adapted to avoid them.
An “inadvertent error” was the reason behind the glitch that took place. However, the error was quickly spotted by the company, and subsequently, all the orders were canceled.
The company sent the cancelation message to all those who placed the orders, stating:
“Due to an inadvertent error on, our website temporarily showed incorrect product prices, which may have affected your order(s). All orders placed with incorrect pricing have been canceled.”
About Marc Jacobs in brief
Marc Jacobs, an American fashion designer, is the founder of the eponymous brand. Founded in 1984 in New York, the label is owned by the French multinational corporation LVMH. The same parent organization owns many other luxury brands, including Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior, Fendi, Sephora, Tiffany & Co., and others.