Big Brother "slop" refers to a food punishment that some contestants may receive as a consequence of losing a competition or breaking a rule.
Slop is a bland, oatmeal-like mixture that is intended to be unappetizing and provide minimal sustenance. Contestants who are on slop typically have to eat it as their main source of food for a designated period of time, which can range from a few days to a week or more.
The purpose of this punishment is to create a challenging and uncomfortable environment for the contestants, as well as to incentivize them to perform well in competitions and follow the rules of the game.
What are the rules?

The rules regarding slop passes on Big Brother may vary from season to season, but here are some general guidelines that apply to most versions of the show:
Slop passes are typically earned by winning a competition or completing a task assigned by Big Brother. These challenges may be physical, mental, or social in nature, and may vary in difficulty.
Slop passes are temporary exemptions from the slop punishment, and usually last for a set amount of time. The length of time can vary from a day to a week, or longer.
Contestants who receive a slop pass are not allowed to share their regular food with other contestants who are on slop. They must eat their regular food separately and cannot use the regular kitchen facilities.
The availability of slop passes may be limited or restricted in some way, such as only being available to a certain number of contestants, or only during a specific time period in the game.
In some seasons, slop passes may be transferrable or tradable between contestants, allowing for negotiation and strategy around their use.
It's worth noting that the rules regarding slop passes may change from season to season, so contestants must be aware of the specific rules in their season to ensure that they are playing the game correctly.
What is a Slop Pass?

A "slop pass" is a temporary exemption from the slop punishment on the television show Big Brother. A slop pass allows a contestant who would otherwise be required to eat slop as their main source of food to eat regular food instead. Slop passes are typically earned as a reward for winning a competition or completing a challenge successfully.
Slop passes can be valuable in the game of Big Brother, as being on slop can be physically and mentally challenging, and can put a contestant at a disadvantage compared to their competitors who are able to eat regular food. Some players may use slop passes strategically, for example by saving them for a later point in the game when they may be more valuable, or by using them as a bargaining chip in negotiations with other contestants.
The rules surrounding slop passes can vary depending on the season and the decisions of the show's producers. In some seasons, slop passes may be limited in number or only available for a certain period of time, while in other seasons they may be more freely available or not used at all.
What does slop taste like?

The taste of slop on Big Brother can vary depending on the season and the specific ingredients used in the recipe. However, slop is generally described as a bland, flavorless, and unappetizing mixture that is designed to provide basic nutrition without any culinary enjoyment.
Slop is typically made by mixing oats, protein powder, and vitamin supplements with water. This creates a thick, porridge-like mixture that is intended to be filling but not particularly tasty. Contestants on the show often describe the taste and texture of slop as similar to wet cardboard or uncooked oatmeal.
Some contestants may try to add flavor to their slop by mixing in spices, herbs, or other ingredients that are allowed by Big Brother. However, the basic taste and texture of slop remains unappetizing for most people, which is part of the reason why it is used as a punishment on the show.