American actor John Cusack sparked controversy online after he launched an online attack on the Democratic Party. On September 18, the 57-year-old personality took to his X handle to call out the Democrats for being “full of s**t” for selling out the working class for "decades," and not having any "moral and intellectual honesty."
Blaming the Democrats for urging people to support former American president Donald Trump and other Republicans, Cusack also highlighted and slammed what he dubbed as "Obama corporatist democrats," stating several politicians "are to the right of Richard Nixon on domestic policy."
"Don’t believe me - look it up - and dems have sold out the working class for decades - and this kind of bought and paid- for the betrayal of principals, fairness - historical precedent -any sense of moral or intellectual honesty - The kind of brutal selfish horrific actions one only does - because they can get away with it."
John Cusack's fiery remarks were in response to a piece in the socialist magazine Jacobin that said some Democrats want to do away with federal wealth taxes. Cusack remarked on the report, which says that former acting attorney general Neal Katyal is urging judges to forbid Congress from enacting wealth taxes on the ultra-wealthy.
X users react to John Cusack's lengthy rant on the Democratic Party
After John Cusack's rant about the Democratic Party went viral, X users were divided. Several users slammed the Say Anything actor for commenting on the sensitive topic, with one of them suggesting him to "go back to bed."
Others agreed with him and questioned why the middle class is getting sandwiched due to such policies.
In the same post, John Cusack said that the way the Democratic party elite made it easier for Republicans like Trump to win.
"All your Yale and Harvard buddies will tell you how great and smart you all are - and they are all in bed with all the same big , big money power players- And we run the world - right? - this kind of staggering amoral bulls--- is one of the main reason ( yes there are others ) Trump's demagoguery works on people. The Democratic elite ARE full of s---."
In the past, John Cusack has not been shy about expressing his opinions on politics. He has been critical of former President Donald Trump on a number of occasions, including when he advocated for Trump's impeachment due to his claimed poor management of the COVID-19 outbreak. He also slammed people who supported Donald Trump during voting.