Paramount released the first trailer for "Clifford the Big Red Dog" on June 29th, which featured the titular character Clifford in all its CGI glory. The live-action film is based on the "Clifford the Big Red Dog" book series by Norman Birdwell.
The movie was directed by Walt Becker of "Old Dogs (2009)" fame and stars Darby Camp, who plays the role of Clifford's owner, Emily Elizabeth. The film featuring the giant dog is set in Manhattan, New York. The kid-friendly movie also stars Keenan Thompson (of SNL fame) and Jack Whitehall.
The trailer showcases Emily getting Clifford from a pet shop, which might have some enchanting connections. The plot revolves around Emily and her "Uncle Casey," dealing with Clifford's extraordinary growth, especially in a cramped city like Manhattan. Furthermore, they will also have to handle the large genetical firms trying to capture Clifford to study his genes or the secret behind his growth.
In the trailer, Emily asks Mr. Birdwell:
"How big is he going to get?"
John Cleese's character, Mr. Birdwell, replies to Emily:
"(It would) depend on how much you love him."
"Clifford the Big Red Dog" is slated to be released in US theaters on September 17, while the UK release will be on December 24.
The movie is also expected to be streaming on Paramount Plus after the theatrical release window (however, no official dates have been confirmed yet). The live-action movie is the fourth time Clifford has been brought on-screen since Norman Birdwell penned the book series in 1963.
Here's how fans are reacting to the giant red dog on the internet.
After the trailer dropped on Tuesday, many fans took to Twitter to determine the breed of "Clifford" in the live-action film. Other fans shared their criticisms of the CGI. From the looks in the trailer, it seems that Clifford is a mongrel (or mutt).
This film marks the second theatrical "Clifford - The Big Red Dog" movie. In 2004, Warner Brothers released an animated film, "Clifford's Really Big Movie." The 2004 animated film maintained the continuity of the animated TV show, "Clifford - The Big Red Dog" (on air from 2000 to 2003).
The show spawned 66 episodes and is currently available on Amazon Prime Video.
Furthermore, there was also an animated prequel series, "Clifford's Puppy Days," which ran from 2003 to 2006 and had 39 episodes. In 2019, another animated series featuring 'Clifford' was released. This show concluded in February 2021, after 39 episodes.