48-year-old Luna Serrano has been accused of stabbing her ex-boyfriend in the head with a pair of scissors, on Monday, October 9, 2023. The victim, Derek Hawkes, was with his new girlfriend, Manju Alexander in his cabin when the alleged incident took place. Alexander was reportedly sleeping on the first floor when she heard her boyfriend fight with a woman, who she claimed sounded like a lunatic.
When cops arrived, they found a distraught Alexander hiding under a truck. She later took the cops to her boyfriend, who had been stabbed. Along with Hawkes, police also discovered Luna Serrano, who had injuries.
Serrano told cops that she stabbed Hawkes in self-defense, however, authorities did not buy her claims.
Wisconsin woman Luna Serrano claimed that she stabbed the victim in self-defense after he punched her
On Monday, October 9, 2023, at about 11 pm local time, authorities received a call about two people being involved in a brawl. When they arrived at the location, they first discovered a woman in tears, hiding under a truck. She was identified as the victim's girlfriend, Manju and she led the cops to her injured boyfriend. As per Law&Crime, police then saw Hawkes in just his underwear, pinning a fully-clothed Luna.
Police noticed that the victim had lacerations on his neck and chest. The alleged suspect also had injuries near her forehead and bruising near the eyes. Manju told cops that shortly before the stabbing, Serrano sent Hawkes a text that read:
"Let's fight to the death."
Luna also accepted that she sent the message to her ex. She has now been charged with burglary, aggravated battery, and attempted first-degree murder. As per Law&Crime, she could be sentenced to a maximum of 10 years for the burglary charge alone. She could also face a maximum sentence of 15 years each for aggravated battery and attempted first-degree murder.
Upon questioning, she told cops that she was thrown out of her cabin, by Hawkes and Hawkes' landlord, as reported by East Idaho News. She also revealed that she had come to his cabin to repay a loan, but admitted that she was angry because he was dating someone else.
While narrating the sequence of events that allegedly took place on Monday, Serrano told cops that she parked her vehicle at a distance and snuck into the cabin. Police later found marijuana in her truck, and she admitted that it belonged to her.
Luna continued by saying that Hawkes let her inside and claimed that she did not have a pair of scissors with her. The situation between the two escalated and turned into a brawl. Luna Serrano stated that Derek Hawkes punched her first, and then she stabbed him in self-defense. Hawkes, however, claimed that he didn't let her inside and that she entered because the cabin's door didn't shut properly.
Serrano reportedly tried to stab Hawkes earlier as well
During the investigation, authorities believed that Serrano wasn't telling the truth. This was because she allegedly had issues recalling the exact events that transpired that night. Hawkes accused her of stabbing him in the head and then in the ribs.
After further digging, police found out that a similar incident took place on September 17, when Luna Serrano tried to stab Hawkes in the ribs. During this incident, Serrano allegedly told Hawkes:
"I will murder you in your own house."
Luna Serrano's bond has been set at $250,000 and she has been charged with burglary, attempted first-degree murder, and aggravated battery. Her next court appearance is scheduled for October 11, 2023.