Arrested influencer Andrew Tate was reportedly hospitalized due to a medical emergency on Sunday, January 8, 2023, just two days ahead of his court hearing.
Andrew Tate along with his brother Tristan Tate was arrested on charges of r*ape and human trafficking on December 29, 2022, following which, the Romanian authorities raided their properties. After finding six women being held prisoner and exploited, the courts extended their detention by 30 days.
A Romanian news outlet, Spy News, reported that Tate was allegedly rushed to the hospital after developing a lung nodule. According to Healthline, Lung nodules or pulmonary nodules are "small masses that grow inside the lungs." The website further stated that about 95% of them are benign and non-cancerous.
In a vague tweet about his health, the former kickboxer claimed, "The Matrix has attacked me" and that he is "hard to kill." He stated:

Andrew Tate asked for a biopsy to ensure the masses found in his lungs are not cancerous
In an article for, expert Dr. Edward Creagan (MD) explained that lung nodules (aka pulmonary nodules) don't have many symptoms and are often found by accident on chest X-Rays or CT Scans. He further stated that:
"Most lung nodules are tissue from past lung infections."
Any growth in the lungs that exceeds 3 cm (1.2 inches) is referred to as a "mass" by doctors
Dr. Edwards added that a further examination of the mass using procedures like a PET Scan or a CT scan is needed to diagnose whether it is malignant or cancerous. Additionally, a biopsy is also performed to confirm the nature of the nodules. These procedures are repeated periodically to determine if the masses seen in the lungs have grown.
While about 95% of all cases do not present any symptoms, underlying health issues like an infection can cause symptoms like fever or coughing. Due to its highly asymptomatic nature, most cases of lung cancer do not show up until the disease has considerably spread.
Symptoms of lung cancer include shortness of breath, wheezing, hoarseness, chest pain that gets worse when breathing deeply and laughing, coughing up blood, or rust-colored phlegm, back pain, and more. Symptoms like unexpected weight loss and fatigue are also observed.
Medical News Today added that the risk of cancerous lung nodules increases if the individual is/was a smoker, is of older age, and if their family has a history of cancer. Exposure to asbestos, soot, arsenic, cadmium, or nickel also increases the risk of lung cancer.
Tate had requested to see a doctor and asked for a biopsy to ensure the masses found weren't cancerous.
Authorities are yet to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the authenticity of Andrew Tate's recent tweets. The social media personality's infamous trial is scheduled to begin on January 10, 2023. It is still unclear if the trial can begin with Tate being a free man or if he will need to be detained for an extended period of time.