Bravo premiered Project Runway season 20 on Thursday, featuring 14 former contestants participating once again on the show. The now-experienced designers made viewers nostalgic with their appearances and banter in episode 1. While they were all set to showcase their talent in the latest installment, host Christian Siriano announced a major plot twist.
He said:
“This season, there is no immunity.”
For those unaware, previous seasons’ contestants who won a challenge received immunity, meaning they were safe from elimination in the next episode. But this time, judges can eliminate anyone as none of them will have immunity from eliminations.
Cash prizes will be awarded to challenge winners, instead of immunity
In Project Runway season 20 episode 1, host and mentor Christian Siriano teased a major twist in the format at the beginning of the episode. He revealed the twist after going through the contestants’ designs.
He made the designers nervous by saying that he couldn’t wait for his twist and that he was having “so much fun” with the change in format.
Christian finally announced that there will be no immunity this season, but cash prizes and advantages will be awarded.
He said:
“Anybody can go home on any challenge. Now, the good news — there gonna be prizes and advantages for the winners of each challenge along the way. So the winner of this challenge is gonna get $10,000.”
The contestants were initially disappointed with the no immunity rule but were relieved with the prizes and advantages addition.
Some Twitter users were also upset with the new format/rule of Project Runway All-Stars season 20.
All 14 contestants gave their best in the two-part premiere. The first elimination took place in episode 2.
Project Runway season 20 premiere recap
The premiere of Project Runway season 20 consisted of two episodes. In the first episode, all the designers were introduced and welcomed, while the second episode showed the contestants working on their task.
They were given the challenge to recreate the designs from their respective seasons that either gave them low scores or got them eliminated.
The official synopsis of episode 1 reads:
“The iconic designers meet one another and catch up on their successes after leaving the runway. The fun and games come to an end, however, when famed judge Nina Garcia and mentor Christian Siriano arrive to give them an unwanted history lesson and their first challenge of the season.”
Episode 2 description states:
“For their very first challenge of the competition, the designers have to rewrite history by reinventing the look that either got them eliminated or gave them the lowest score in their past and turn it into a high-fashion moment for the runways of today. In doing so, they must impress actor, author and activist Alicia Silverstone, who serves as the guest judge.”
The 14 contestants include Rami Kashou (Season 4), Kara Saun (Season 1), Brittany Allen (Season 18), Prajjé Oscar Jean-Baptiste (Season 19), Laurence Basse (Season 15), Fabio Costa (Season 10), Bishme Cromartie (Season 17), Johnathan ‘Kayne’ Gillaspie (Season 3), Mila Hermanovski (Season 7), Viktor Luna (Season 9), Korto Momolu (Season 5), Nora Pagel (Season 1), Hester Sunshine (Season 17), and Anna Yinan Zhou (Season 19).
They showcased their designs in front of a panel of judges including Nina Garcia, Brandon Maxwell, and Elaine Welteroth. Alicia Silverstone was the guest judge in the latest episode.
In the end, Viktor and Nora were in the bottom two. The judges decided to save Viktor and eliminate the Season 1 star.
Project Runway season 20 airs on Thursdays at 8 pm ET on Bravo.