The South Korean Netflix reality TV show "Zombieverse" is set to debut on the streaming platform on Tuesday, August 8, 2023. The show's premise is simple yet intriguing – set in a zombie-ravaged Seoul, a group of South Korean entertainers strives to survive in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. As the undead take over the country, the living must fight against all odds to ensure their survival.
Some of the contestants of the show are actress Lee Si Young (Seo Yi Kyung from Sweet Home season 1), Noh Hong Chul (Stared in The Hungry and the Hairy and March of the Ants), Park Na Rae (DJ and actor), Kim Cheol aka DinDin (rapper), Hong Seong Woo (YouTuber) and several others.
Zombieverse on Netflix: Eight celebrities battle for survival in Seoul
If you thought Squid Game was extreme, wait till you watch Zombieverse.
Here is the trailer for the upcoming reality show,
The above trailer is nothing short of exciting. Zombieverse clearly takes heavy inspiration from shows like The Walking Dead and The Last of Us. It's something truly fresh and unique since a 'zombie reality show' has never been heard of before.
The trailer shows the contestants looking at a TV screen and observing the city of Seoul. To their horror, the city got hit by a terrible zombie apocalypse, resulting in people getting infected, dying, and reanimating. One bite from the infected means game-over for the contestants.
South Korea has lately been churning out a lot of shows and films about zombies and the apocalypse in general. Some of their most popular projects are Kingdom, #Alive and All of Us Are Dead. Fans were floored by these. Furthermore, All of Us Are Dead is coming back with a second season.
However, Zombieverse is the first time the world will see a reality tv show related to the popular horror subgenre. The show takes place in the capital of the country, Seoul. A group of survivors is supposed to stick together and search for food, water, shelter, and transport.
But if a contestant got bit by a zombie, the game is up to them. One of the contestants, Park Jin-Kyung, expressed his excitement to appear on the show.
This is what he said according to The Korean Times,
"I collaborated with Netflix for the first time through ‘Zombieverse,’ and the filming has already been completed. It is a TV project that started with a simple question, ‘How would people react if zombies appear in the real world?’ It will be interesting to watch what role the contestants play ― a hero, a villain or a bystander."
Park Jin-Kyung is best known for My Little Television. Zombieverse's contestants are celebrities that come from all walks of life. The journey is not just going to be thrilling but also fun.
Zombieverse synopsis
According to The Verge, the synopsis of the show reads,
"A group of unwitting contestants gather to take part in a reality dating show, but things take a terrifying turn when they find themselves in the middle of Seoul overrun by zombies. Together, they must escape the city and outrun the walking dead, or risk becoming zombies themselves."
The show is directed by Park Jin-kyung, Moon Sang-don and written by Yoo Jin-young-I. It is solely produced by the South Korean entertainment company, Kakao Entertainment.