Ruby Franke, 41, was arrested on suspicion of child abuse on Wednesday, August 30. A Reddit user, u/greenchemist23, recently shared a YouTube video from The Pascal Show featuring a 911 call dispatch tape, which seemingly revealed what led to her arrest. As per the tape, Ruby's son seemingly told the cops that one of his siblings was still in the panic room that they had at Jodi, Ruby's business partner's, house.
The audio also featured the police entering the house and reporting the same to the dispatch team. They soon mentioned that they discovered a panic room with a massive wheel or vault-like lock on it and were unable to open it.
A panic room is a hidden area in a building where people can go when they are in danger. It is a reinforced room constructed to provide a safe sanctuary, or hiding place, for individuals in the event of a break-in, tornado, home invasion, terror attack, or other threat. These rooms usually have equipment through which individuals can contact law enforcement officials.
Ruby Franke's viral dispatch audio call brought new information about the case to light
Ruby Franke, the star of the YouTube channel 8 Passengers, was arrested on Wednesday on child abuse charges, as per NBC News. Through her channel, she chronicled her life and the lives of her six children, Chad, Shari, Julie, Abby, Russell, and Eve, and her husband, Kevin Franke.
However, when new information about her kids came to light, the family became the talk of the town. According to The Reality Snark, Chad, 17, eventually moved out of the house. Shari, on the other hand, spoke out against the family and made some new facts about the case public.
The audio featured in the YouTube video by The Pascal Show seemingly reveals what officers told dispatchers when they called to report the panic room. Ruby Franke's son reportedly told authorities that they had a panic or safe room. The name of the son, however, hasn't been revealed as he is still a minor.
"Today we're searching the house. There's a Panic Room inside the garage downstairs underneath the garage. Yeah, he said it's downstairs and it's underneath one of the garages and he's calling it a safe room. He says he sets up about Fort Knox, so I don't know if it has a Fort Knox door or safe on it," an officer said in the audio.
This came after authorities were alerted when one of the Franke kids crawled out of their home's window and fled to a neighbor, pleading for food and water. When the neighbor noticed that the child appeared to be malnourished and had several wounds, they promptly dialed 911, before another child was discovered in a similar state.
The caller told the official at the dispatch center that the kids appeared thin and hungry, with open wounds and duct tape around their extremities. Their condition was so serious that they needed to be treated at a nearby hospital.
According to the viral audio tape, Ruby Franke went to the local police station to inquire about the whereabouts of her children. She "took off" after being notified that officers would be coming to speak to her. The police also informed the dispatchers that the cops at the hospital must prepare for Ruby's arrival and prevent her from going near the children.