Unstable is a brand new and witty comedy series, starring the real-life father-son duo of Rob Lowe and John Owen Lowe, that is all set to release on Thursday, March 30, 2023, on Netflix. The upcoming series has been co-created by the Lowes and Victor Fresco.
Unstable follows a highly successful biotech enthusiast and businessman named Ellis Dragon who attempts to recover from the depths of his despair after his wife's unfortunate demise with the help of his son named Jackson Dragon. In the series, Jackson will be seen working hard to come out of his father's overwhelming shadow and also save him, along with the family business, from downfall.
The official trailer for the series was dropped by Netflix on March 2, 2023. Since the trailer was released, it has garnered a lot of positive attention from viewers due to glimpses of a refreshingly interesting storyline, witty humor, and promising acting.
Netflix's new comedy series Unstable will see the real-life father-son duo Rob Lowe and John Owen Lowe come together in a humorously dramatic story
The official synopsis for Unstable explored
Scheduled to arrive on March 30, 2023, the upcoming Netflix comedy series will consist of a total of eight episodes. Sara Baggar has served as the series' producer. The official synopsis for the comedy series, released by Netflix along with the official trailer, reads as follows:
"Ellis Dragon (Rob Lowe) is a universally admired, eccentric, narcissist-adjacent biotech entrepreneur working to make the world a better place. He's also in emotional free-fall. His son Jackson Dragon (John Owen Lowe) is… none of those things."
The synopsis further states:
"Can Jackson save Ellis and his company and salvage their estranged relationship while also doing what may actually be impossible: escaping the shadow of his larger-than-life father? They’ll figure it out, maybe."
Take a closer look at the Unstable trailer below:
The official synopsis and trailer provide the audience with intriguing hints and glimpses of what to expect from the upcoming comedy-drama series.
By the looks of it, the 8-part series will be full of dramatic and entertaining events as viewers will witness the father, Ellis Dragon, spiraling hard after the death of his beloved wife and his son, Jackson Dragon, trying his best to pick up the pieces and also make a name for himself.
It is safe to say that the audience is in for a riveting rollercoaster ride.
Take a look at the Unstable cast
Apart from Rob Lowe as Ellis Dragon and John Owen Lowe as Jackson Dragon, the promising cast list for the series entails:
- Sian Clifford as Anna Bennet
- Rachel Marsh as Luna Castillo
- Aaron Branch as Malcolm
- Emma Ferreira as Ruby
- Tom Allen as JT
- Fred Armisen as Leslie
- J.T. Parr as Chas
- Brie Elay as Melissa
- Frank Gallegos as Juan
The long list of writers for the eight-part series includes Victor Fresco, John Owen Lowe, Rob Lowe, Sean Clements, Michael Shipley, Hailey Chavez, Bente Engelstoft, Sam Shanker, and Michael A. Ross.
Don't forget to watch Unstable, which will air exclusively on Netflix on March 30, 2023.