A series of sonic booms was created by a secret Space Force ship that landed in Cape Canaveral, Florida, over the weekend. The booms, accompanied by flashes, were so loud that many confused it with a meteor strike. However, the boom was created by the 30-foot-long, robotic X-37B military ship known for its secret missions and ability to stay in orbit for extended periods.
The ship ended its trip at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, Florida, around 5 am on Saturday, November 12, creating a series of booms just before landing at the space center.

With a few news agencies reporting that the booms were heard between Titusville and Kissimme, the incident has led many to wonder what a sonic boom is.
NASA describes it as “a thunder-like noise a person on the ground hears when an aircraft or other type of aerospace vehicle flies overhead.” Basically, this is a loud noise and boom made by objects traveling at supersonic speeds.
A boom is created when the overhead vehicle travels faster than the speed of sound.
Cause of Sonic Boom explored after secretive space ship shakes up Florida residents
As the spacecraft headed across Florida early Saturday before landing in the space center, residents of the city reported a loud sound. Many also reported that they felt like their homes were shaking. However, this is a phenomenon called the Sonic Boom, created due to the air being displaced by the aircraft.

When something travels in the air, it produces sound waves. Usually, airplanes travel slower than the speed of light, and hence, they do not create such booms. However, in the case of spaceships, the boom is created as the ship breaks the sound barrier and flies faster than the speed of sound.
Explaining the cause behind this phenomenon, NASA said:
“The change in air pressure associated with a sonic boom is only a few pounds per square foot -- about the same pressure change experienced riding an elevator down two or three floors. It is the rate of change, the sudden changing of the pressure, which makes the sonic boom audible.”
The X-37B military ship looks like a mini shuttle and has spent more than 908 days in orbit. The spacecraft returned after its sixth visit and has been on the go, on and off, since 2010.
Authorities have not revealed the reason for its launch. However, NASA stated that several experiments were completed during this mission by the X-37B.